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Ok so I feel like this is going to end up like one of those stories that no one is going to read.Seriously do you guys think that I should delete this or not?Pleaseeeee tellllll meeeeeee!

Ok I think I just sound desperate hahaha but who the fuck cares!😂

Anyways feel free to tell me anything

It's ok if it's negative or not just feel free,or just think of it as me saying that ya'll are free to give me reality slap or something 😂😅

I won't mind if you talk shit about me or my work 'cuz hey,it ain't like I don't already know that I'm shitty at doing these things haha

And btw I'm so sorry for the slow updates,I just have a lot on my plate right now and I barely have time to even open Wattpad so to those who is actually reading my shits I'm so so SO terribly sorry for the slow updates,I promise I'll try as much as I could.

I think I'll even drop some of my extra curriculums in school,starting with not being the Editor-in-Chief of our School Paper😂

Awesome right?dropping school works for Wattpad but why the fuck not?I'd rather that then let them delete this app!ain't no one is touchin' my baby boo!

Right I sound like a crazy motherfucker do I?

Well suck it up!This is who I am and I'm damn proud of it!😂😝

Ok I should probably end this here because if not this might end up as a whole chapter and not a short authors note ahaha

But one thing's for sure I do not know how to write a short ass story.I know I'm somewhat a student journalist and I'm Majoring in Feature Writing Articles but I do not and I CANNOT write short stories.

One time my teacher made us do a SHORT Rhetorical Ending on one of the stories we were discussing and I handed her 13 pieces of yellow pad containing my work,all of which are back-to-back and that was not even my full idea of the ending I wanted.

So yeah,watch out hoes cuz there's a new bad bitch in town!and she's gonna rock your damn lives and flip your world upside down!



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