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Kairos' P.O.V;

I don't really know how to react on this situation and honestly I don't know if this is real or just a fcking dream!

I mean how the hell do they do it?!

I just stared at them dumbfounded.Seriously one day I will really think about throwing these bitches out.Of all things!

"Woah could you do this to me?You were suppose to be my friends and family!But betrayed me!" I yelled and they just laughed at me,smirking and giving me a 'Oh get over it you drama queen' look

How the hell did I not see this coming?


We were in the cafeteria for lunch break and I'm asking Sophie what she wants.Well I WAS asking her until a group of idiots butted in

"Wow so you ask her what her lunch would be but you never ask us?!ouch!"

"What the hell sis?I thought it was bro's before hoe's?the fck happened?!"

"Oh the pain Alpha!we basically grew up together but not once did you ask me what I'll be eating!"

"I'm telling daddy about this!Just you wait so called 'sister'!"

The fck?!

They were all talking at the same time and I couldn't even understand a single word they're saying

"What in the world are you talking about?!" I spat and glared at them while Sophie and her friends looked at them wierdly

"This!" Keifer said pointing at Sophie and I

I stared at him confused

I don't get it

"You know what?Nevermind!Just go!" Kenzie said and shoved me towards the line

I huffed and just wait till it was my turn to order

When I got near to the table I suddenly got this weird feeling,like something bad is gonna happen

I speed to our table and immediately hear laughter.Huh...wonder what's so funny

I put the foods on the table and sat down but suddenly froze on my spot






Showing her?!

"Wha—ARE THOSE MY BABY PICTURES?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs and stood up again trying to snatch them

"And videos" Kiara said with a smug and knowing smirk

Ok Kairos calm down

They're your siblings and friends...

Your mate is here,she's sitting beside you

She's happy!See she's laughing!oh god her laugh!

No!No...focus kairos!

"Now let's begin the stories!"

Oh God!I feel like I'm surrounded by cackling witches!

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