Chapter 16

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"We're here." Tsukishima says, walking up to his door. I follow closely behind him. "I bought you a present since I haven't been able to come around lately. Since your parents have been gone for a week already, and I've only come like twice? I thought I should get you something that will remind you of what I look like." He says as we walk in, slipping our shoes off.

"You brought me a picture of you?" I ask, chuckling.

"Kind of, let's go to my room." He grabs my hand, leading me up the stairs.

"It's quiet." I note, looking around.

"Both my mother and my brother are at work right now. They won't be home for a while."

"Ah, I see." I nod. This is my second time being at his house, and I'm reminded of what his room looks like once we walk in.

"Here." He grabs a small box off his bed and hands it to me.

"I feel bad, I didn't get you anything." I frown and we both sit down on his bed.

"So? I bought it because we haven't been spending time together lately." He puts his hands in his lap and I begin to open it.

"This isn't a picture of you." I chuckle.

"You have to unravel it, silly." He says and I carefully pull it. Pictures of us are on each square, some I don't even know who took. My bottom lip juts out and my shoulders slump.

"This is so cute." I gush, looking at all the pictures.

"Bokuto-San and Kuroo-San supposedly took pictures of us at one of the practices. So there's some photos of that in there." He responds and I chuckle.

"I like this one the best." I point at one where I'm looking up at him with a small smile on my face.

"Why do you always look at me like that?" He asks and I carefully place the gift back in its box.

"Like what?" I laugh.

" I'm the best gift you received on Christmas." He responds and I look down at my lap.

"You still don't get it, do you?" I chuckle slightly, fiddling with my fingers.

"What?" He asks.

"I'm going to say something that a person like you would call dumb and stupid. If I say it...will you be mad?" I ask, feeling tears coming to my eyes even though I keep a smile on my face.

"I promise I won't think it's stupid. You can tell me anything." He puts a hand on my shoulder and I chuckle, sniffling.

"I've said this before, that you're all I have, though I'm not sure you know the severity of it. I never really thought my life had much meaning. To me, all my life I was just someone people took their anger out on. I was some disgusting piece of trash on the side of the road that got run over again, and again, and again. I didn't mind the thought of losing my life. I genuinely believed it would be best for everyone. I remember making a promise to myself that if I don't end up dying by somebody else's hands, then I'll die by my own." My voice turns a bit shaky, and I laugh as I wipe away stray tears.

"E-Everyone hates me. But then you decided, for some out of this world reason, to take a chance on me. I still don't know why. You constantly reassure me that I'm worthy of being treated like a human being. You worry about me, and make sure that I'm okay. I no longer have those dark thoughts, I want to live for you. Maybe that sounds pathetic, considering that this may end one day. saved me. So thank you, Tsukishima-Kun. For everything." I hastily wipe any any left over tears, taking a deep breath and looking up at him.

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