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"So is this our first date then?" Amber asked him, skating slightly better on the ice now

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"So is this our first date then?" Amber asked him, skating slightly better on the ice now. He nodded, thinking to himself I guess it is. "Do you know when we first met- I thought you were just some easy girl." He began, skating in circles around her.

She sighed, looking at him with sincerity, "To be honest, I thought of you as just some playboy. So we're even." She giggled, as she began to skate more independently.

He nodded, "That's everyone's first impression." He said rather smoothly. She sighed, she could only imagine all the discrimination he'd suffered in his life. She wasn't an idiot, she'd heard of all the controversy and the way his mother had treated him. Shit parents weren't uncommon in Detroit.

"You're probably one of the nicest men I've ever met." Amber admitted, smiling warmly at him. But of course, Marshall made his words dirty, "Well- I can be pretty bad when I want to be." He winked, causing her to blush and almost topple over.

"Don't worry though, I will show you later."

"Then shall we go- I don't think I can wait!" She giggled, gliding towards the exit. Marshall chuckled following close behind her.

They decided they before they returned to the hotel, they should go to a bar. What's a weekend away without a little alcohol? The bartender was a tall man, he was rather skinny and seemed out of place with the other workers.

Marshall and Amber took a seat at the bar and looked at the bartender. Upon seeing them sit down, he asked what they'd like. Marshall looked at the alcohol sitting behind the counter, "a glass of bourbon please." He said looking over at Amber curious what she wanted.

"Can I get two tequila shots?" She asked him, he smiled back at them and began making the drinks. While he was pouring them, Marshall took the time to talk to Amber. "So.. what's your favourite colour?"

"My favourite colour- thats quite random.." she began, looked at him inquisitively. "We don't know everything about each other yet, so I thought I'd take the Liberty of asking you a few questions." He said, as the man came back with their drinks.

Amber downed a shot in a single gulp, Marshall looked at her impressed. "Purple." He glanced at her, "what?"

"You asked me my favourite colour, it's purple."

~ 18+ scene ahead :)

They hadn't even made it to the hotel room yet, and Marshall already had her back pressed up against the wall of the elevator. They were both drunk now, and were in search of a different sort of pleasure then alcohol.

Thankfully nobody was waiting outside the elevator, well nobody was outside at all. Marshall picked her up bridal style, and unlocked the door. They didn't even get into the bed, he just pushed her against the nearest thing (which was the kitchen counter.) And pulled her hair back in his palm.

She moaned in pleasure, as he yanked her hair back, why did it feel so good being under Marshall's control? He began kissing her face, down to her throat. She knew she was going to have more marks in the morning.

"Fuck Marshall! Quit teasing me~" she moaned, turning around to face him now. She put her arms around his neck, and sat up onto the counter. Was her sexual fantasies coming to life? Getting fucked on a counter top?

He slowly slid his fingers under her t-shirt, rubbing them on her soft pale skin. He continued to raise his hands, until they had reached the top of her shirt. He then slowly pulled it over her head, revealing her black laced bra.

"Fuck it." He said, taking off his own shirt to reveal his muscular chest. She saw him naked last night, but she never looked at his chest in this much detail. It was evident he worked out, his stomach was so toned- surely he wouldn't mind he touched it right?

She ran her hands from his shoulders all the way to the bottom, feeling her hands graze the opening of his jeans. She slowly unbuckled them, and pulled them down. Now she could really see the bulge.

Was it seven inches? Or ten? But before she was going to do anything, she decided to take her jeans showing her matching panties. "Who's teasing who?" He chuckled, looking down at her small body on the counter.

Slowly she fell down from the counters, and onto her knees. She ran her fingers over his bulge, watching it twitch. It was cute really, but she wouldn't say that to his face.

She pulled it out, looking at it. Fuck it was bigger then she anticipated. He moaned in her ear and bent her backwards, pulling her panties down.

She sighed afterwards, it felt like she'd sinned doing what she did. They were going home in the morning, but tonight easily surpassed the night before. Yes, the sex the other night was good, but this was way better. This could of been one of the best nights, she'd ever had.

Maybe it was the fact that they were drunk, she didn't remember it all. But she remembered the feelings. She looked over at Marshall, she could see his tattoo of Hailie and smiled.

Imagine the two of them having a child. It would probably be cute, they'd probably make good parents to a kid together. She sighed, and rolled over. They'd been dating for a day and she was already fantasising over this shit. She needed to get a grip. She closed her eyes, and fell into a deep sleep, Marshall's face lingering on her mind.

1 week Later

It was two am, she was tired but for some reason she was having these stomach cramps. Amber wasn't really aware what they were, she did have a spicy curry earlier, it was probably playing in her stomach.

Sighing, she rolled over and tried to forget it. She couldn't stay up, she had to wake up quite early to drive Amber to school and get to work. She'd also, told Marshall that she'd take Hailie to school too.

Then suddenly she belched, she rushed to the bathroom and threw up in the toilet bowl. She wasn't sure why she was throwing up, she'd had this curry recently and was fine.

She scanned in her head reasons to why she could be throwing up.

She gulped, she was late- Her eyes began to brim with tears, was she pregnant with Marshall's baby?

She couldn't be, she was probably just ill and it's all just a coincidence. But it's probably best that she picks up a pregnancy test from the pharmacy tomorrow.

Only to be safe, surely she wasn't pregnant. He used a condom- didn't he?

(Ooh this is getting interesting...)

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