C. 8 I'm 14 turning 15

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---- Hogsmeade weekend ----

He was the best in duels, he even fucking escaped a dark lord what else does he need? Well apparently Diagon Alley being attacked by Death Eaters just made him question it. Hadrian felt woozy from the fall when the spell hit him 'Oh merlin what just happened?' Why don't we rewind before the attack...


Today was going to be an excellent day and he knew why, he stood from his bed and screamed in the dorm room "Get up you Twats IT'S HOGSMEADE WEEKEND!" Avery shouted awake from his drooling dream "Bloody Merlin!" 

Orion shot up from his bed and just sprinted to Abraxas bed pushing him off the bed "Time to get up you privileged git!" Abraxas still on the floor just groaning in his blanket that also fell with him, Hadrian and Orion bent down a bit to look at Abraxas "Wow pureblood's are so sophisticated, no wonder they're the best."

"I know right, its so fascinating isn't it?" Abraxas grabbed his wand and threw sting hexes at the two boys. Laughing their arses off dodging the hexes their way, Abraxas grumbled and stood up making his way to the bathroom.

Tom felt confused but a bit amused when he saw his pureblood roommate mumbling something about 'little devils' and 'i swear i'll get them' He entered the room to see both Orion and Harry just wheezing which explains a lot "My you truly show no mercy." he mumbled to himself making his way to his bed.

Avery glanced at Riddle asking "Are you coming with us today?" Closing the dresser with a book in hand he sat on his bed "No." Harry spun around shock written in his face "What. Why not?" turning a page from his book "I don't feel like going." 

Tom sighed and closed the book, he looked up to harry not noticing that the other two in the room proceeded to quietly get out of the room to give the 'couple' some alone time, "Harry I'm not going." The other boy sat down in front of him crossed-legs "What's this about this time."

"I want to think for a while." the two 'brothers' have known each other for a while now so they knew when the other wanted some space, Harry really didn't know what happened this time though guess he'll have to forfeit for now, he breathed out "Okay, just- be careful we don't know what lurks in the shadows."

"I'll be fine, but you have to be careful we don't know what might happen after all." With a smile and a wave Harry made his way down the halls to his friends...


Diagon alley is just as lively as always, the people are all bustling around, some adults are having an early drink and students were spread out everywhere. 

Orion went with Abraxas and Avery to the direction of Three Broomsticks but Hadrian let himself fall behind and blend with the crowd he was certain they'd be confused as to where he went but they also know that he does this a lot when Riddle wasn't with them.

But one couldn't help but to wonder what a boy in such a small size would be doing alone, the answer isn't all that surprising though well not to Hadrian at least. He just goes to Knockturn Alley, where people don't ask what your doing and mind their own damn business.

Hadrian put on his plain white mask that cover his whole face and a pure black robe, casting a wandless voice changing charm he steps inside Borgin and Burkes. 

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