D.O.B pt.2

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"Oh my god!" I shouted

"Jessie!" Ethan said shockingly

"Yes it's be bihhs!" She said in a country accent

"Why are you here?" Timothee asked

"Hey I'm here to" Ryan rice said waving

"Oh my god Ryan!" I said "We missed you!" I told him

"Miss me though?" Jessie said opening her arms

"No" Tyler answered

"Whatever Tyler" she said rolling her eyes

"Why are you here?" Timothee asked

"Well" she said dragging the word "why wouldn't I come to my besties birthday?" She said

"Jessie I'm sorry but I don't want you here" I told her on the verge of tears

"Clara I was dragged her involuntarily" Ryan told me

"Ugh come on RyRy" Jessie said grabbing his wrist

"Jessie I'm done playing your games!" Ryan yelled "you are a manipulator! I never wanted to kiss you or anything along those lines!" He said sadly

"Wait Jessie you cheated on Louis?" Ethan said aloud

"Yeah I guess" she said shrugging her shoulders

"Can you leave now?" Timothee asked

"No! I want to stay!" She yelled

"Jessie please leave" I said almost crying

"Why though? I wish we were still friends"Jessie cried

"You know what Jessie, maybe we'd still be friends if you didn't willingly let my ex fiancé didn't impregnate you!" I cried

"I just wanted to have fun! And did you ever think about how I felt when you got famous and totally tried to forgot about me? Jessie said angry

"Whatever Jessie" a brit said walking through the door

"LIAM PAYNE" she yelled "I love your song take that off!" she said happily

"You dirty local! The song is called strip that down! Now get out of claras party" he screamed

"UGH FINE" she said slamming the house door

"Ryan you can stay" I said tapping his shoulder

"Thank you! Ive been feeling empty lately" Ryan said

"Come on everyone let's dance!" Liam said

"Yay! I love Dababy!" Tyler shouted

We danced the night away

I partied so hard I feel asleep on some random bed in Tylers home, and didn't even notice until I woke up and saw myself on Timothees feed


@tchalamet: <33333

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@tchalamet: <33333


@user1: SHIP

@user2: I want this kinda relationship

@tyylerevans: you leaving our crib anytime soon?

@ekat19: yeah when are you leaving our crib? You guys kept us up all night


@Jessieemerson: bihhs always pressed


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