The note

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"Jessie what are you doing?" Tyler asked

"I'm writing a note. I'm being bold!" I said continuing my writing

"To who?" Tyler asked, I glanced at the desk over

"Ryan!" Clara shouted

"Yes, shut up!" I said sticking the note in his dictionary

"Wait what does it say?" Tyler asked

"Ry Ry pls wear your shirt on the bus -xx your secret admirer" I read my note aloud

"Jessie, he'll probably just laugh." Clara said

"Yeah no offense but Ry Ry?" Tyler said laughing

"Isn't that what you said her sister called him?" I asked Tyler

"Yeah? But you're barely an acquaintance to him. And why mention the bus? You don't even ride it?" Tyler asked confused, per usual

"I asked him to wear his shirt because I don't want children seeing him half nude! And I called him Ry Ry because it's cute." I told Tyler

"Oh" Tyler said

"Well I'm still going to do it. Like Clara says reach for the stars!" I said pointing to the school roof

"Wait, she never says that." Tyler said confused once again

"Whatever" I rolled my eyes

"Jessie that's not my usual reference but I believe in you!" Clara said

"Thanks Clara!" I said

"Wait Jessie look! It's him!" Tyler whisper shouted

"Shut up!" I said

I turned away, so did Clara, but Tyler stayed starring.

"Tyler why are you starring?" I asked annoyed

"He's dancing and I find it quite comedic. Obviously." Tyler said pointing

"Oh" I said, I felt bad but whatever. Then I noticed Ryan walking this way. Do I look presentable? Omg he's with Rylan to. This is bad.

"Hey Tyler." Rylan said to Tyler

"Hello" Tyler said trying to control her laughter

"What?" Ryan asked her

"Nothing" Tyler said laughing

"Seriously guys why is she laughing?" Ryan asked

Clara sat there blank so I answered

"The dictionary! She saw some word in there and she finds it hilarious." I said

"She finds everything funny." Rylan said

"Yeah she really does" Ryan added on

"Ryan can you open the dictionary for me? You'll see what I'm laughing about." Tyler said, she had the trust me look in her eyes so I did

"Is this a note?" Rylan said

"Yes" Clara said

"She talks?" Rylan said

"Yes" Jessie said

"Guys, let me read the note. Ry Ry pls wear your shirt on the bus xx your secret admirer?"

"It was Clara!" Rylan blamed first

"I know who it was." Ryan said laughing

Does he know it's me? I thought I made it very difficult to find out? This is so scary.

"Who was it then?" I asked laughing

"It was Tyler" Ryan said laughing

"Tyler! Why are you calling other guys Ry Ry?" Rylan asked

"I do wear my shirt on the bus by the way." Ryan told Tyler, then threw the note at her

"Let's go guys" Clara suggested

"Yes" Tyler said



Sleepover at my place?

LOL yeah

Sure sounds good


"Ok can we talk about what happened in Ms. Smiths room today?" I asked

"I was just trying to eat my salad." Clara said

"Yeah let's talk" Tyler said

"Ok Tyler since when were you and Ryan and Rylan friends?" I asked her

"A long time? You know this silly goose!" Tyler said laughing

"Ok, Tyler but when Ryan threw the crumbled note at you why'd he wink?" Clara asked

"Oh wait, I know now. He's keeping one of my secrets." Tyler said super nonchalantly

"Why did you say that like it wasn't a big deal?" I asked

"Because it really isn't, he just happened to find out." Tyler said

"What about Rylan? When he was like I'm not he only guy you call Ry Ry?" Clara asked

"I've never called him Ry Ry" Tyler said laughing

"Clara what about you and Rylan? I low key ship?" I said

"Yes" Tyler said

"Oh my god guys not again! Why can't we talk about Tyler's super cool secret?" Clara suggested

"It's really nothing" Tyler insisted

We all finally agreed to stop talking about the secret and just have a conversation about something else then a little while later everyone got tired

"Im going to bed" Clara said

"Yeah me to" Tyler said

I laid there. Jessie, Clara, Tyler, everyone knew Clara and Tyler, but me. I didn't have any other friends but them. How am I supposed to get the schools infamous bad boy to fall for me? He's hot and rebellious and me? Well I'm the ugly blah one. I need to write more notes! But I don't want Tyler getting all the attention from them, I don't care if he knows her biggest secret. Speaking of that what could it even be? Tyler doesn't have hookups, maybe it was a bus thing? I need to ride the bus with Tyler one day and get all the possible information, oh and to see Ryan. I kept thinking about my life with Ryan and what it could look like then I dozed off into a sleep

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