Flash Back

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Flash back to when kirishima was like 12
he was 10 a years old when his mom died

3rd Person POV
⚠️⚠️ TW  alcoholic and abuse is written here so please do not read if that is a trigger for you⚠️⚠️

Kirishima got real upset when his mom died because she was the only one he could tell anything
But that's not the same with his dad
Kirishimas dad is always having girls over always drunk and oh yeah always hitting Kirishima
Kirishima was just in his room after he finished school when his dad came in the room "Why isn't the room clean? I told you to sweep and mop. You never do anything!" His dad yelled at him "I had school all day today and just got home" kirishima told him "excuses excuses excuses I don't want to HEAR IT!" Kirishimas dad then whipped his belt out and smacked kirishima with it

-later that night at like 3 am-

His dad sat in the living room as Eijirou sat in his room "YOUR F(CUSS)ING ANNOYING AND STUPID EIJIROU!" his father yelled while playing loud rock music "Shut up Shut up! SHUT UP!" Kirishima held his ears shut screaming "YOU ARE A DISAPPOINTMENT!" His dad yelled
"Please stop" kirishima whispered to himself

-A couple months after bakugo still has no idea that kiri is being abused-
(Kirishima is now 13)
Okay and little thing to know is that kirishima has this ring he wears that was his moms remember this for the future chapters

"Hey you have a bruise on your neck" bakugo said to kirishima but kiri was starting to fall asleep when they were studying on bakugos bed since his dad keeps kiri up all night playing loud music,
Bakugo didn't want to wake him so he let him sleep
But he started to notice bruises on neck  hand marks almost like he was choked
So then bakugo waved his hand in front of kirishimas face to see if he was still awake and he was asleep and kirishima is a deep sleeper so he wouldn't wake up
When bakugo looked at kirishima more he realized there were cuts and bruises over his body
"F(cuss) off dad" kirishima whispered "is his dad abusing him?" Bakugo thought to himself "Hey wake up" bakugo shook Eijirou "hmm?" Kirishima opened his eyes "are you being abused?" Bakugo asked "wel-well" kirishima didn't know what to say "ei you can tell me, and if you want I won't tell anyone" bakugo said "well yeah I guess you can call it that, my dad he just sometimes hits me and gets drunk witch leads to more hitting and I haven't been getting any sleep because he plays loud music when he has girls over and they don't leave till 3 in the morning, I just have been really stressed" kirishima told bakugo everything "you can sleep here if you want tonight so you can actually sleep" bakugo said "alright" kirishima said "oh and how long has this been going on for?" Bakugo asked "a couple months, it's been like 1 and an half since I ate a real meal" kirishima told him "I see you eat at school don't you?" Bakugo said "well I do but when I get home he forces me to throw it up when I do eat so I'm always hungry" kirishima said "why didn't you tell me?" Bakugo asked "well I didn't want to be a burden" kirishima said scratching the back of his neck with a fake smile on
"Your never a burden just because you tell me your problems shouldn't be a bad thing" bakugo told kirishima "alright" kirishima said looking down "I want you always tell the truth to me no matter what" bakugo said "ok I will" kirishima said looking at him

-1 year later-
-at kirishimas house-

"Eijirou my son come here and say hi to aito and mrs aito" kirishimas dad said "hello, goodbye" kirishima tried to walk away "hold up, where are you going?" His dad asked "to katsukis" kiri said "well today you are going to be hanging out with aito" dad said (we are just calling him dad or bob fo now) "I'm sorry but I need to study with kats today I have an assignment to do with him" kirishima tried to tell his father but he didn't listen "Eijirou come with me to the back room" his father grabbed onto his shoulder "ok" kiri followed him and once the door shut SLAP "listen to me" father grabbed onto his shirts collar "you are going to hang out with him his family has a business that I need to come together with mine so you'll date his son get married and take over" his father told him "hold up I'm not getting married to him, my whole school knows him he is a player and has a new girl or boy every week" kirishima said "I don't care you'll be with him SLAPnow come on you have a date to attend" his father said "can I at least call bakugo to tell him I'm not coming" kirishima asked "sure" his father walked out
-calling bakugo-

Mitsuki: hello?
Kiri: hi it's kirishima um is bakugo there?
Mitsuki: oh yeah he is KATSUKI THE PHONE! ITS EIJIROU
Bakugo: hello?
Kiri: Hi I'm sorry but I won't be able to come over tonight something came up
Bakugo: what came up?
Kiri: Oh yeah my dad has company over
Bakugo: alright
Kiri: G-Good night
-Hangs up-

"Eijirou come on!" His dad yelled "coming" kiri walked out
-kiri then was forced to date aito for 7 months witch was a abusive relationship and kiri didn't talk to bakugo that much since he was forced to be with aito all the time and even though they were young aito would touch Kirishima everywhere

One time when kirishima was at the bridge with bakugo since that was the only place they could talk

"Are you ok?" Bakugo asked since he could tell kirishima was off in some way "yeah I'm fine" kirishima said "besides for the not sleeping the jumpiness the constant overwhelming fear that something bad is going to happen I'm fine" kirishima told him "what has been happening?" Bakugo asked "my being forced into this relationship I don't want to be in, everything is numb, my father is getting married to this lady and she has a stupid daughter who thinks she is the queen, oh yeah and my dad he is letting this lady push me around like I'm shit but what's new he always did that so why wouldn't he have?" Kirishima said "Hey Ei, today I was thinking. What if we got in a bad fight or of someone goes away for a long time or of we don't speak for awhile, we should make a promise that we don't lose each other over a dumb fight or that we don't forget each other no matter how long we are apart for" bakugo held his pinkie out and kirishima nodded his head and held his out
"You know when I get older I want to dye my hair red" Kirishima said "that would be cool" bakugo said

Later in the future after they got together and found out they are going to UA together  kirishima dyes his hair and bakugo helps him turns out to look super good

Bakugo POV (the night after the fight) (it's like 2:45 am)
Wakes up
-Kirishima was still up-

"Why are you still up?" I saw him on his laptop "oh I didn't mean to wake you" kiri said "you didn't" I sat up "hey what do you want for Christmas?" Kirishima asked me "you are not aloud to get me anything" I said "no I'm getting you something now tell me" Kirishima said "no you are not, but I will be getting you something" I tried to tell him "ok then I'm going to be getting you something and you don't waste your money on me" kirishima said "no that's not how it works-" I got cut off by a pillow thrown into my face "go to sleep now" kirishima said "well you need to go to sleep as well" bakugo said "hey I have an idea, what if we make it out of a little game out of this. So say tomorrow how bout we go to the store and get stuff that reminds each other about the other person so like there will be different like things so like say our favorite snack or out favorite drink you know stuff like that" kirishima said "so it's a game to see who knows who better" bakugo said "but there is a cost limit something over 40 dollars just for 1 thing" kirishima told him "I like that game"I said "we should make it to wear I have to get you things that are red and you get me things that are Orange"I said "ok we can do that this will be fun" kirishima laid down next to me "yeah well get some sleep" I said closing my eyes "ok" kirishima said
Then they both feel asleep

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