The world is falling apart

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Today I read "In another life" so I am in the mode for angst depression stuff so I guess this is the warning if you don't want that

Quote of the day

The differents between school and life is
In school
you get taught a lesson
for the up coming test
But in life
You go through a test
So you get taught a lesson

Kirishima POV

No one knows about my stepmom being abusive homophobic lying mother f(cuss)er only bakugo knows that
He is also the only one who knows about me trying to kill myself
And is also also the only one who knows about my depression anxiety and a bunch of other things
He is the only one who has been there for me ever since my mom's passing that was a really hard time for me,
Me and her were super close but my dad he was always so homophobic and has this one saying that I was so scared of

Each time 2 guys kiss
You most loved one would be
Thrown to the abyss

So I didn't want to kiss a guy after that but know that I'm looking back at that it seemed so stupid
I mean I was 5 but still I believed that my father actually loved me

It's like a month after the bakusquad found out about them dating

-Wakes up-
"I hate mornings" I told myself as I got up
This week is not fun
Katsuki went to the UK with todoroki iida tokoyami and deku for this thing they need to do for school since they were the top in the festival
So he is gone
Denki is hanging out with his new boyfriend
Mina is hanging out with the girls
Sero is sick so he is resting and can't see anyone
So this weekend was very very VERY boring
-Bakugo is coming home today-
I went down stairs
"Good morning kiri" Uraraka said "good morning" I smiled "going on a run?" She asked "yeah" I told her "alright then I'll se you later then" she waved goodbye then left
I went out side it was pretty cold
But I shook it off and started my run
I usually go to the bridge so I'll be going there today but
I didn't expect to see him there

"Kirishima eijirou kirishima?" It was aito
"What are you doing here" I asked "looking at the view" he told me "ok well I guess I'll just go somewhere else" I turned around "no no no wait come back, listen I'm sorry for what happened in middle school I was being a jerk" he apologized
"Oh it's fine" I said But at this time I really wanted to be alone because
I have something building up
I have pain building up so tears started forming in my eyes
"You ok?" He asked "y-yeah" I said with a bright smile
"Are you sure?" He asked "y-yeah" I walked past him to the bridge "you can tell me anything you know that?" Aito kept pushing on
"Please stop" I asked "kirishima just tell me it won't hurt" aito said
"What do you want me to tell you!? The Thoughts the suicidal thoughts the anxiety the depression from my moms death!
The fear that I won't go anywhere in life and get thrown to the side by every f(cuss)ing person!?" I broke down and started crying
"I didn't know" he put his hand on my back "don't touch me" I said "just because you know about the anxiety depression suicidal thoughts fear, just because you know all of that doesn't mean you can come here and feel bad for me you are the one who told me to end my life" I told him
"hey I said I was sorry! Look at least I'm giving you sympathy everyone else probably wants you dead!" Aito told me "yeah your probably right but I years ago I was going to do that right here but I didnt and sometimes I don't know why I didn't" I told him "me either the world would be much better without you here so why not just do it now" aito told me
And I was thinking about it But then I thought I couldn't because of katsukis
"I'm leaving now" I told him as I started walking
I went to a near by lake where me and kats always go
So I just sat there

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