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I know I just finished the angst but like I LOVE ANGST I love being in pain I love making myself CRY
SO ANGST TIME AGAIN you guys got 300 something words of fluff so you know that means 1000+ WORDS OF ANGST
I love you all and I'm sorry

(Ok so the time period is going to be weird so yeah)
3rd Person POV
(This person is going to be secret so let's call them SST (secret school trader )

"That red head is so easy to control and to get to bed he trusts everyone it's kinda sad" toga said "you have him a pill he had no choice, well anyways about the plan" dabi said "Maybe we can go to the school and pop in like BAM you thought we weren't watching you sikeeeeee marry me toga" twice said "Maybe we take shoto and ask him to join us since the bakugo thing didn't work out" dabi said "Maybe I don't know if he'll join though" SST said "we can try" dabi said "it's obvious he is your brother you don't have to hide it" hawks came in "Knock maybe?" Shigaraki said "I did" *knocks on wall* see" hawks smirked "I mean before you walk inside" shigaraki said "sorry" hawks walks over and sits down "Hey hawks can I see how long your wings are when did you get them they are cool, Shut up idiot! Hey don't talk to me that way I'm the boss, um no I am" twice got into a fight with himself "yeah you can see how long or big they are" hawks let his wings out "Annny ways so we taking him?" SST asked "yeah we will but not now let's say next month" dabi said "Ooooo yay can't wait" toga skipped away "so like how do you put a shirt on? do your wings just faze through the cloths? When did you get your wings? Are your parents birds? Are you related to that tokoyami guy?" Twice asked "I bring my wings in and put the shirt over, I don't know how to answer that,when I was 5 but they were small, no they aren't, nope don't know him" hawks answered his questions "coooool, You sound like a 5 year old stop! You are always mean to me! No I'm mean to me! I am me!" Twice yelled at himself "go bother toga twice keigo is now mine" dabi said "ok, TOGA MARRY ME YOU QUEEN!" twice ran to toga "go to your room if you guys are 'Talking'" shigaraki said "ok dad" dabi flicked him off and him and hawks went into Dabis room
Now from the top make drop that's a wet ass DOBBY

I had to let that out I'm sorry
~After a night of loud music and dirty dirty things~
TW? Mention of hickeys and bruises stuff
"Do you think they did it?" Twice asked toga "yeah did you hear the music and how long it went on for? They must have been really active last night" toga said "we should be active tonight" twice said "yeah no" toga walked up to the door of dabis "are you really opening the door?! Oh no do it don't do it! Yes no maybe" twice said "I'm going on just wait here" toga said patting twices shoulder "Yes ma'am" twice sat down and toga went in

Kinda talk about Smut but not really bad so like yeah
She saw them asleep hickeys on their necks marks on backs you name it but thankfully they had pants on "wakey wakey it's time for school" toga said "SCHOOL!? NOOOOooooo○○○○○○○○○○" twice ran away "what do you want?" Dabi asked "sleep well?" Toga asked "shut up" dabi laid back down "Your fault" hawks said "is not who wanted to keep going?" Dabi asked "well it felt good" hawks said "ew to much info" toga walked out
Since I did some L.O.V. And dabihawks I need some more angst

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