Nearer My God To Thee

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Later that evening...

Beth took a warm bath before dinner, afraid that she'd smell like Arthur. She also didn't feel like explaining why she was perspiring. It was early spring on the Atlantic, no one would understand, thus making a lie impossible.

After her bath, she dressed in her finest attire - although there was no one to really impress anymore, now that Arthur wouldn't be there. She wore a white dress, with black capped sleeves and a black train.

Trudy did her hair in it's usual fashion, though more subtle than the night before. She wore a white band around her head, secured with a white flower. She'd never felt more ridiculous in all her life than she had on this ship; she was nothing but a trophy for Calvin and a pawn for her Mother's survival.

She walked to the dining room on Calvin's arm, but with a frown on her face. Her Mother and Calvin joked that they couldn't understand her and that she was almost too much to handle. It was the almost that caught her attention.

What did it mean?

She wasn't sure if she even wanted to know. It was probably some male chauvinistic code language, that for some reason, her Mother understood. If she ever felt anything for them, it was pure hatred.

"Did you enjoy your little day trip today?" Calvin questioned, his jaw clenched.

"I did, actually. Thank you for asking." She smiled, as she sipped her glass of champagne.

He snorted as he fished out a freshly rolled cigarette from his jacket pocket.

Her Mother who sat across from her tonight, glared daggers at her, almost as if she were saying to submit to his abuse. She gave her Mother a polite smile, then turned to the Gordon's. They were at least pleasant enough to be around, even if they had nothing more to talk about than the wedding!

"Ms. Brown should be along promptly!" Lucille exclaimed."She is such a colorful woman, isn't she?"

"She's something," Calvin remarked."But colorful doesn't seem to cut it."

Everyone shared a quiet laugh, all except for Beth. She didn't find their insults amusing anymore, in fact, it was just down right rude. They were rude people, so it didn't surprise her that everything they spoke of was rude.

"She's boisterous and not very lady like," Her Mother described with a scowl."If she didn't have money, I wouldn't associate with her."

"Well people with souls very rarely associate themselves with the soulless...unless they have to." Beth declared without missing a beat.

Her Mother dodged the snide remark, to avoid getting into another screaming match. Calvin on the other hand, gripped Beth's wrist underneath the table; his fingers were an iron vice. The pain was enough that she faltered for a brief moment, but collected herself and found her smile again.

After he got his point across or so she lead him to believe, he let go of her wrist and began eating his cold Asparagus Vinaigrette, as if nothing happened at all.

Beth nonchalantly rubbed her wrist underneath the table, pulling down the white glove to reveal an ugly bruise already beginning to form.

"What do you think about the Federal Reserve?" Sir Cosmo asked.

Calvin nodded his head."I think it's a brilliant idea. It should've been implemented sooner."

"I heard Astor doesn't approve."

"Guggenheim too. Bastards."

"Speak kindly, Calvin." Ruth warned.

"Sorry. You're right - they're just ill informed men who are trying to ruin a sure thing for others."

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