Hymn To The Sea

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"They call it Unsinkable, even God himself couldn't sink it!"

As the ship slowly sunk into the freezing Atlantic, Arthur and Beth still struggled to find a way up on deck. It seemed as if the entire ship was a ghost town, deserted by the very people who claimed to have their best interest at heart.

Panic was beginning to set in, but Arthur refused to show it, not wanting to scare Beth anymore than she already was. He knew she was tough, but knowing you're about to die was a whole different type of scared. Arthur'd been there plenty of times - more times than he'd like to count. 

When they finally came to a stairwell, the door was locked, but Arthur wasn't having any of it. He pushed hard against it with his shoulder and the door busted off it's hinges, shattering into pieces.

The White Star line staff looked utterly shocked, almost offended that he dare break their property. However, neither one of them cared. 

They rushed down the hallway, as everyone scattered like rats; some even following the rats that were on board. Most of the stairwell's, if not all, were overflowing with people yelling and screaming.

Arthur called out and a dark haired man with a jagged scar on his face, turned around with panic in his dark eyes!



As they hugged, a few others came over; a few Beth had met before and a few she hadn't. Arthur pulled another man in for a hug, then a dark haired woman.

"This is truly a disaster, Arthur!" Dutch proclaimed.

"This night will live in infamy." Hosea commented.

Arthur nodded."Yeah-"

"They aren't lettin' us through, Arthur! Says only women and children!" John  chimed in.

Arthur sighed and looked around."Well we gotta get outta here fast or we're done!"

"But the boats are all gone!" Javier complained.

"We'll jump ship then!"

John swallowed thickly, knowing this would ultimately end in his demise; he never learned how to swim nor had any desire to. He knew he wouldn't live to see the morning, however, he didn't want to make a fuss, he simply followed the others.

Arthur grabbed a blanket for Beth and she wrapped it around herself, silently thanking God for the warmth. It was very much needed at the moment.

As all seven of them rushed down the crowded hallway, they came to a stairwell that was close to empty. They ran to the gate where a man stood with a gun, demanding people go back to their rooms.

Beth turned to Arthur."There aren't enough boats, they're trapping us!"

Arthur swallowed."Yeah well...not on my watch."

He stormed the gate, pushing a few folks out of the way. He gripped the gate as the man pushed the pistol into his belly.

"Open the gate." He spoke calmly.

"Go back down to the main stairwell-"


The man heaved a sigh."Go back down to the main stairwell like I told you!"

Arthur turned to everyone who stood behind him, examining their glum faces; they accepted that this was their fate. He wasn't about to let it be his fate though, no he came too far to die this way!

"GODDAMMIT, SON OF A BITCH!" He screamed as he violently shook the gate.

He turned and ran over to a bench, calling for John and Javier to help. Beth and the dark haired woman, now known as Abigail, began moving the other passengers to the side, as the three ripped the bench from the floor. 

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