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"Jeremy...," Carter says in a low tone. "What if... Your parents aren't the problem after all? Or any tech company? Or any company at all?"

The rest of the boys all looked dubiously at Carter. As if he were full of it. Even though they knew there was some truth to what he was saying.

Carter pauses a moment before coming to a conclusion. "Maybe... It's the government."

"Don't be stupid," Edward says. "The big wigs just write the bills and follow orders. Jeremy just gave us proof of that in the report he found. There's many things we could hack into with a computer Carter. Pen and paper aren't on the list."

The room fills with hopelessness and long sighs. Until Jeremy speaks again. "The prototype would be a failure at this point guys. We don't even know what the program would even do. It's too unpredictable."

There was no telling what the prototype could do. Not a single one of them knew. The truth was, it wasn't even their program. A month ago, Jeremy intrusively hacked the servers of some random employee of a recent company founded for protection of the national security of the country. Ironically, a company based on security didn't have a well built firewall. Their mistake.

"It's getting late Jeremy. We'll meet up again tomorrow."

"Sounds good," Carter agreed with Edward.

They all walked out except Jeremy. He knew he needed to get to bed early to be ready for any test tomorrow. But the minute he turned to his side encasing himself in warm comfy covers his phone vibrates the bed. His eyes burst open with alertness and curiosity. Who could possibly be texting him this late? And why? Mom? Dad?

The screen displayed a radiant glow  and a message from an unknown number he's never seen before. He grips the phone in his hand and adjust it to his viewing, reading the message, "you have 24 hours to return the prototype. Be at this address between the times of 2-4p.m. and no later." Then a second text arrived with an address to an abandoned building near the school.

This did not settle well with the young hacker. A feeling of audacity and loathing filling his body and mind. But he didn't want to react drastically without a full nights rest. But the thought of someone knowing he was the one behind the theft of the prototype, he knew he'd have to act swiftly.

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