Akward Teen-Titans

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The time finally came for Jeremy to meet up with his mysterious late night messenger. He had to leave school an hour early on a Tuesday to make it to the given destination in time. After two bus rides East and three blocks later he arrived in a neighborhood where he only knew there to be abandoned buildings that the homeless would spend cold nights. "This can't be it," he says to aloud to himself.

On his way up the concrete path he notices boarded up windows... and the door open just a few inches after gaining a foot on the first step. Before he gets his hand on the door his phone buzzes but he ignores it. Jeremy didn't bother to tell them where he had left or even when. And with no hesitation again, he pushed the door forward fearlessly ready with only his phone and pepper spray.

With another buzz and walking in a couple of steps into the barely sunlit home, the door automatically slams shut and a small speaker from a dusty table in the living room starts making static to the left. Jeremy calms himself after being shocked then brings up his phone hoping for an explanation.

There it is. "Go to the speaker. Under it you will find a note. Read it."
Jeremy gets a gut wrenching feeling but decides to do as he's told by the soft menacing voice. It was clearly that of an adult male maybe in his mid-forties but in a Dark Vader filter to hide his real voice.

With careful but steady movement he walks left of where the speaker and the ominous voice came from. "Now that's a good boy..." A few feet away now just passing the wall and staircase that bordered the entrance.

The only thing illuminating the table was a slow swinging dim lamp from above and some sunlight breaking in from the cracks between the boarded up windows.
Noticing how shady the scene was really solidified his reality, that this was real, and he needed to find solid ground in his mind to block out the fear. But just when things couldn't get any worse he heard something metal, aluminum, most likely something that of a can or empty bottle move along the ground.
As if pushed by a force that made it glide like it was being guided by something. It didn't take long to put the pieces together as a heavy foot tapped the wood soon there after. Immediately, Jeremy's heart started racing thinking, "what the heck did I just get myself into? Am I crazy or just stupid?"
But soon all his fears went away when he heard the door break open. A voice called out, "look out! He's got a gun!" In clear pronunciation and grammar. The sign was very clear and he began to go through his plans prior to entering the situation.
After hearing a gurgled grunt and more shuffling he heard a man's voice coming from a room he saw next to the speaker. At this point, his view was already shifted but still was in ear-shot of the shocking voice, "grraah! You damn kid get back here I said! STOP!"

He was completely in kill mode as Jeremy nearly encountered a collision with a bullet barely grazing him that landed upward towards the sealing. But he was already in the hands of his savor, his backup plan and awkward teenage friend, Hank Sprusnob the third. But he prefers to go by Alan.

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