| 001 | weird science

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"from my heart and from my hand,
why don't people understand
my intentions?"
- oingo boingo

    YOU FINISHED PUTTING your clothes into your locker and headed out of the locker room and to the gym. today, your class was continuing the gymnastics unit that you had been working on since last week. you dreaded the thought of gym everyday. you weren't not athletic, but the girls in your class were as athletic as they came. you were sure today was the day that you would make a complete fool out of yourself.

standing in front of the wall, you watched as the other girls preformed flips and routines on the beams. next to you were hilly and deb, some girls that you had in other classes and hung out with during gym class. they were the popular girls, unlike any other popular kid in your school, they were sweet. just because you talk to them during class didn't mean you were popular, not even the slightest. you hung out with two complete nerds, and you mean that in the most loving way possible: gary wallace and wyatt donnelly. you and gary had grown up together since you were babies, and eventually wyatt joined the group in first grade.

during the beginning of freshman year, you started to develop a crush on wyatt. one day, you wanted to tell him how you felt in hopes that the feelings were mutual. however, when you built up the confidence to tell him, you chickened out and he had told you and gary that he liked hilly a little after. although he didn't like you back, you couldn't get rid of your little crush on the brunette. gary, knowing you since practically birth, could read you like a book and could tell that you had a thing for wyatt. despite being close to him, you didn't want him to know. so, when gary would tease you, you would deny it every time.

as you talked with hilly and deb about gym, two voices boomed throughout the gymnasium.


"check this out!"

all the girls stopped what they were doing and looked towards the sound of the voices. you saw gary and wyatt standing by the doorway with their shorts down to their ankles. oh god. you made eye contact with wyatt and his eyes went wide. you sent him a sympathetic smile hoping it would ease his nerves. the boys quickly pulled their shorts back up and everyone continued to stare.

"look, we-we're sorry abo-," wyatt stuttered before gary covered the brunett's mouth with his hand. they then turned and walked away.

.___.     .___.     .___.     .___.      .___.

after you finished changing, you grabbed your bag and walked through the halls looking for your two friends. as you walked towards their lockers, you were stopped by none other than ian and max. ian had a thing for you and always flirted with you even when he was with hilly. talk about a complete pig.

"hey," ian greeted you with a smile.

"what do you want? to pull my pants down in front of everyone to embarrass me, too?" you sarcastically asked, knowing it was them who had done that to gary and wyatt.

"well, i mean, i'd love to take your pants off and maybe even a few more article of clothing," he smirked.

"you're fucking disgusting," you spat before walking past them and to your two friends.

"what was that all about?" wyatt asked while looking over at ian and max, as ian glared at him.

you rolled your eyes as you leaned your back against gary's locker. "same old, same old."

wyatt looked away from the two boys and at you. "so, gary and i were talking about having a movie night at my house tonight. are you free?"

"yeah, sounds great," you beamed.

"okay cool, see you guys later then." wyatt walked away and walked out of the school since school had ended.

"you guys are so in love," gary smirked at you. he put an arm around your shoulder and led you out of the building so you guys could walk home together, considering you guys lived right next door to each other.

"gary, nothing happened. you make a situation bigger than it is. and how many times do i have to tell you tha-"

"that you're not deeply and utterly in love with wyatt." gary finished your sentence causing you to roll your eyes. "if you keep rolling your eyes like that, they're gonna be stuck y'know?"

"oh great, maybe i won't have to see your face anymore," you joked making him playfully shove you.

kiss on my list | wyatt donnelly  [COMPLETE] ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now