| 008 | kiss on my list

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"your kiss on my list,
        because your kiss is on my list for the best  
                   things in life"
                                         - daryl hall & john oates

SLEEPAWAY CAMP IS so much better than christine, are you kidding?" you said while pointing to the television screen. "look, the ending has a twist. you'll see."

you and wyatt sat on his bed eating popcorn while having a horror movie marathon. your parents didn't even punish you, which you felt like lisa had helped out with that, so you were at wyatt's house on a friday on your first date. his parents came home to a clean house with nothing out of place, and luckily wyatt and gary didn't have to suffer any consequences. sadly, lisa had left and you missed her. although she did bring a little trouble with her, she did give you guys the most insane weekend of your lives.

"wyatt!" mrs. donnelly called from downstairs. "dinner's ready!"

you and wyatt walked downstairs to the dining room and took your seats. chet sat across from wyatt, not even glancing at him. wyatt had told you what lisa had done to him and now he was scared to even acknowledge his younger brother. gary walked in through the front door and took a seat next to chet and you guys looked at him, confused.

"hey, gar? not to sound rude or anything, but what are you doing here?" you asked causing the blonde to look at you.

"dad kicked me out, thinking i was an intruder or something," he shrugged. gary had told you guys that his dad seemed to not even know who gary was, so he usually dropped by one of your houses to hang out.

once wyatt's parents sat down, everyone started to eat and enjoy their meals. after a few minutes, the doorbell rang. mr. donnelly got up and you heard him open the door. you heard a muffled voice talking to him. "kids, someone's here to see you."

you, wyatt, and gary looked at each other confused and got up to walk to the door. mr. donnelly walked away and you guys looked to see who the mystery person was.

"you didn't think i was gonna leave you guys forever, did you?" lisa said with a smile.


kiss on my list | wyatt donnelly  [COMPLETE] ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now