| 006 | girls, girls, girls

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"hey tommy, check that out, man
what vince? where?
  right there, hey!
                               hey baby,
                    don't you wanna go somewhere?"
- mötley crüe

"YOU WANNA GRAB another drink?" matthew offered as you laid on the beds of wyatt's room.

"yeah, sure."

you two got up and walked through the crowded house to the bar. once you got your drinks, you took a seat. "hey, look," you said pointing towards hilly and deb who were standing on the other side of the room talking to a group of girls. "go talk to her," you urged. matthew nodded with a smile and walked over to her. you watched as he approached her and started talking.

"hey there," you hear a familiar voice say behind you. you turn to see ian.


"why are you alone? wanna sit outside with max, lisa, and i?" he offered while he grabbed some drinks. you were bored out of your mind and decided to go. you walked to the porch and saw lisa sitting with max. you took a seat next to her and started talking with the boys.

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"c'mon, lisa. why not?" max asked.

lisa licked the salt that was one her hand. "because i belong to gary, wyatt, and this lovely lady right here." she added more salt to the back of her hand.

"belong? what, they make you in the garage with power tools?" ian asked.

close, just not in the garage.

"they own you? control you?"


"seriously," she answered after drinking a shot.

"wyatt and gary are toads."

"foes she look like she would go out with two toads?" you scoffed.

"well she does. it's true."

"i think gary and wyatt are gonna force everyone to redefine their terms." lisa smiled.

"and you're completely loyal to them?"

"i do whatever they say."

the two jerks looked at each other and smiled. they were up to something.

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ian and max went off to find gary and wyatt. as you walked around the party, you spotted hilly and deb talking to lisa. you decided to go up to the girls to see if they had seen wyatt or gary.

"if you get the chance, shower with them." you heard lisa say. "we both did," she said as she grabbed you by the shoulders and held you close. "it's a mind scrambler! oh, hurts so good."

your eyes went wide and you walked away completely embarrassed.

you sat on the couch while the other teens enjoyed themselves. you couldn't find matthew or the boys anywhere, so you were alone.

you felt so confused. if wyatt likes hilly, then why would he kiss you? twice?

you walked up the stairs to try to get away from everyone. all of sudden people started screaming and weird things were happening. guess ian and max convinced the boys. you rolled your eyes and quickly went to wyatt's room. you opened the door and saw ian, max, gary, and wyatt with bras on their heads. ian and max were screaming while wyatt and gary looked relaxed. "what the hell are you guys doing?" you yelled causing all of them to look at you.

kiss on my list | wyatt donnelly  [COMPLETE] ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now