Anger issues (Edited)

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The next morning I woke with an aching back and ass, "Damn Kook-ah it feels like you hit me with a bus, I can barely move." Jungkook laughed and grabbed me bringing me close to him and cuddling me. "Jin, I have to go to the hospital today for some pre-op tests, the surgery is tomorrow morning." "Wow, that was really quick, I guess Hobi wasn't over exaggerating, I have to go to work today, please text me when you come in I will try to meet you for your appointments", I say nuzzling into his chest. I bring him close to me and capture his lips, letting him suck and nip at my lips, he seems to enjoy doing that. "I have to shower, you going to join me", I ask. We kind of behaved ourselves in the shower, ok well, no we didn't, but after I got ready for work Hobi had breakfast made already. "This is delicious, thank you so much, it beats stopping at the Café by work for a day old pastry", I say finishing my coffee.

I stood to say goodbye to Jungkook, when I heard glass break, Hobi and I ran into his room to see Jungkook was on the floor and had broken a glass vase that was on the vanity in his bathroom. "Jungkook what happened", I asked worried trying help him up. He slapped my hands away and told me not to touch him, "Why is there a god damn towel on the floor", he yelled, "I tripped and almost killed myself." "Oh God, Kook I'm sorry, it must have slipped of the top of the clothes hamper", I say picking up the towel. "You need to be more careful", he yells again. "Kook, it was an accident calm down", Hobi said picking up the glass. I again tried to help him and again he pushed me away, I stood with tears in my eyes. I know he didn't mean it, I understand he gets frustrated and lashes out, but it doesn't hurt any less. I stood there numb, frozen not knowing what to do or say, so I just turned and left, I didn't want him to know that I was crying.


"That was uncalled for Kook, you had no reason to holler at Jin, he didn't do anything", Hobi sounded disappointed. I felt horrible, "Why do I let my anger get the best of me, I was embarrassed that I fell and I reacted, I'm such an idiot, we had an amazing night last night and I just fucked it up. "Let me get dressed so we can go, Hobi, I want to try and get back to school today so that I can talk to the kids."

When we finally made it to the Hospital I texted Jin and told him that I was here and that I needed to talk to him, I need to not lash out for something like that, especially at him. He didn't answer, so I went in and spoke with my surgeon and then my anesthesiologist, they took blood and took the pictures of my eyes. The doctor told me no eating after midnight and only water, and that I needed to be here at 5 am. I shook his hand and Hobi and I started to walk out,

"Jungkook", I heard and turned around. It was Jin, "I'm so sorry, we had a delivery and they needed my help, I'm so sorry I couldn't be with you at your appointment, but if you want me to be with you tomorrow, I took off so that I can help you, if you want me there", he said sadly. I could hear it in his voice, he thinks I am upset with him about this morning. "Jin, of course I want you there, I want you there every step of the way", I say wrapping my arms around him, he hugged me back tightly. "I am so sorry about this morning, I will make sure that next time I put the towel in the hamper", I can hear his pout.

"Jin, baby it wasn't your fault, I was embarrassed and I let my anger take over, and I am so sorry for hollering at you and making you feel bad, I'm a terrible boyfriend and I promise to get my anger under control", I say squeezing him tighter to me. "I have to be here at 5 am, will you come over after work and stay with me so that I can get some sleep", I asked pecking his lips. "Just sleep", he whispered. I laughed, "I'm sure if something pops up we can think of other things to do", I said teasing him. He laughed and kissed me deeply, licking my lips to gain entrance, which I gladly gave. The things he does with his tongue makes my cock twitch, he is such an awesome kisser.


After my shift I ran home and showered and changed and grabbed clothes for tomorrow and the next couple days, I planned on staying at the hospital after the surgery, Ill bring extra work clothes too just in case. I made sure all my plants were watered and that everything was clean, I didn't want to leave a mess, I don't know when I will be back. I hear my phone going off, I run to the bedroom and see that its Jungkook...

Jin - Hi Babe

Jk- You off work

Jin - Yea, I ran home to shower and get some clothes for a couple days, I am getting ready to leave, I wanted to water my plants.

Jk - Dinner is ready, so we will eat when you get here. I stopped by school today and talked to the kids, they said they didn't care I was getting the surgery they still wanted me as their teacher

Jin - Baby, I am so happy, that's awesome. They love you so much. I am starving, so I will see you in a few, and you can tell me all about it. I love you

Jk - I love you more, be careful.

When I got to Jungkook's he greeted me at the door with the biggest hug and kiss, it took my breath away. "Hi baby boy", he growled. Hi love, what's going on", I giggle. He leaned into my ear and whispered, "I want you so bad." I giggled again, "I'm all yours, but can I eat first?" Jungkook laughed, "Of course, you will need the energy."

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