Romeo and Juliet had it all wrong (edited)

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"Well, that was the end of Romeo and Juliet, what did you all think", I asked my class. "I loved it Mr. Jeon, the story is so romantic and really portrays what true love is", Rachel said. "I thought the part they killed themselves was cool", said Sean, I laughed. "Have you ever been in love Mr. Jeon, like Romeo and Juliet kind of love?" "Ah, Katie I don't know if love like that really exists anymore, I hope it does, but no I have yet to fall in love like Romeo and Juliet."

"Now I have homework for you", I laugh at the grumbles I hear. "Its not due till next month, so you have time to work on it, I want an essay, no less than 5000 words, on what you think true love really is." The bell chimes, "I'll see you guys on Monday, have great weekend", I say listening to all the students walk out. "Ill be ready in a minute Sammy", I say petting the top of his head.

I sit behind my desk and grade a few test papers that I had left to do, I didn't feel like taking any work home this weekend. I teach vision impaired kids in the US, I used to teach in Korea but the demand for teachers was in high demand here, and the money was way to good to pass up. After an hour or so, "Come Sammy", he stood still so that I could grab his handle and we walked out. "Over here Sam", Hoseok called to the dog. Sam then led me to the car, "Hey Kook, how was school today?" "Hey Hobi, it was good, we finished Romeo and Juliet, I think they really liked it", I say getting into the passenger side while Hobi puts Sammy in the back seat and buckling him in. 

Hobi is my caretaker and my best friend, he drives me around and helps me shop for food and clothes, most other things I can do by myself. We grew up together, and when I got offered the job here, he came with me. My brother lives here too, he runs one my fathers companies, and decided to move here with me.

"We are home", Hobi sings. I hear the door open and Hobi unbuckling Sam so that he can jump out and wait for me to grab his handle, "Lets go Sammy." Once inside the house I remove his rigging and he runs right to his bed to sleep, in the house I know my way around so this is his chance to rest. I grab a beer from the fridge and I sit on my recliner, kick back, put the radio on and in no time I doze off. I don't sleep really well at night, so I get naps where I can and sleep when I come home from work. I woke up a few hours later and heard my phone going off.

JK - Hello

Tae - Kook, come out with us tonight, please, we are celebrating Yoongi's birthday.

JK - Ugh, fine but if it gets boring, I am leaving, Okay?

Tae - Okay, I promise, if we kind find someone to play with your wee wee, we will leave. We will be there in 45 minutes to get you and Hobi.

I took a shower and changed into my ripped up jeans and a black button up, I fed Sammy and Hobi took him out for me, I put on his favorite TV show and we walked out when Tae honked. I held Hobi's elbow in case there is any ice or wet snow, "Hey Tae", I say coming down the driveway. "How do you know I am standing here", he asks confused. "I told you it's a secret, and I'll never tell", I tease. "Is Joon coming", I ask. "Yea, he is bringing Yoongi, now lets go get our drink on", Tae shouts.


Ugh, Its been a hectic week, I am so glad its over. I think 200 babies were delivered this week, being a pediatric nurse is not easy when I ended up delivering more than half of them, you wouldn't believe how many women don't want to wait for the doctor before they start pushing. I moved to the states 5 years ago and finished my schooling and Medical training here, and I loved it so much I stayed, I talked my best friend into moving here with me and he now owns his own dance studio. We used to be roommates but he moved into the little apartment above his studio and I stayed in our little one bedroom, he does sleep over occasionally, especially when wine or talks about our love lives are involved. I hear my phone go off...

Shorty - Bitch, we are going out tonight

Kitten - Sounds good to me, I need a stiff co- I mean drink. 😈

Shorty - I'd be happy with both, Ill swing by with Uber to get your sexy ass at 8

I take a shower and pick out an outfit that will attract my future husband, I'm not big into hook ups and one night stands, I don't get sloppy drunk so that I don't remember anything. I pick a pair of tight ripped jeans and a white button up with my black converse.

I grab some cold pizza out of the fridge and eat it while I wait for Jimin, I then brush my teeth, add my favorite cherry chap stick and head out when I get Jimin's text. The club was crowded already, so Jimin and I stood at the bar, I ordered a beer and turned to check out the crowd, of course everybody was to busy checking us out, but we are used to it.

I was swaying to the music when my eyes were drawn to a table where 5 guys were celebrating a birthday. They got the birthday boy a flaming Asshole and laughed at his facial expression when he drank it, those things are nasty. I then noticed his friend, and I couldn't look away, he is gorgeous. I saw another cute guy sitting next to him look at me, and then lean over and whisper something to him, he looked my way and he's absolutely breathtaking.


"I think I have an admirer Kook", Taehyung says leaning over to me. "You do, how do you know." "Because he is boring a hole thru my face, and Kook he's fucking gorgeous. "Tell me", I ask. "Black hair, parted on the side and combed back off his forehead, beautiful dark brown eyes, the sexiest lips I have ever seen, slender, but tone, a very tiny waist and I cant see his ass but his legs are very shapely and look delicious in the ripped up jeans", Tae says drooling, "his skin looks milky and smooth, how do I know you ask... He has his shirt unbuttoned showing his chest." "Him and his little friend are coming this way, damn Kook he's even better up close", Tae whistles low. "We wanted to wish the birthday boy a Happy Birthday", Jimin said, "my friend and I brought you all drinks." Just then a slow song starts and I feel someone next to me, I then feel a hand on mine. "Hi, I'm Seokjin, would you like to dance with me." I wondered if this was the guy Taehyung was describing. 

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