Chapter 2

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Dylan sat with Kaya. It had been a day since Wes had asked him and Thomas to practice their kiss for The Death Cure, and Thomas hadn't approached Dylan about it. 
"Why does he have to come to you?" Kaya asked.
"Because," Dylan replied, "I pulled away when we tried it on The Maze Runner set. I left him hanging. I don't know, it just feels weird for me to go to him about it."
Kaya rolled her eyes. "You think he cares? He's got a girlfriend, Dylan. He hasn't spent the last two years wishing you hadn't pulled away."
"I know that. Shut up." 
Kaya laughed, and went off to find Will.


Thomas was in Dexter's hotel room with him, reading scripts. His phone buzzed. Dexter picked it up, and read the name.
"It's Kaya." He said, tossing it to Thomas.

~Hey, Dylan's looking for you. He's stressed about the kiss

Thomas groaned.
"What's up?" Dexter asked him, chuckling. "Kaya's not that bad."
"Its about Dylan." Thomas answered. "Wes wants Newt to kiss Thomas in The Death Cure, and we have to practice."
Dexter raised one eyebrow and whistled. "Really? You have to kiss Dylan?'
"Oh stop. It won't be bad. May even be fun." Thomas laughed. "But I should go find him, Kaya says he's stressed."
"Go get him, tiger," Dexter said, choking on his laughter.
Thomas blushed, and left the room in a hurry.


He found Dylan pacing the hallway in front of his room.
"Calm down, Dyl," Thomas called out, before he even saw Thomas.
Dylan jumped. "Oh, there you are, I've been looking all over for you."
"Why are you so worked up?"
"Why do you think? It's about the kiss, of course."
"Well, you're stressing about it. Calm down."
"We have to practice some time, and I'm nervous about it."
Thomas chuckled. "Don't worry. How about this, I spring the practice on you sometime when you aren't expecting it. That way you won't have time to be nervous."
Dylan sighed. "That would be ama-mmmh"
Before he could finish his sentence, Thomas's mouth was on his.
Thomas was kissing him so insistently that Dylan's hands ended up clutching at Thomas's hair, and Thomas's hands were gripping the back of Dylan's shirt.

When they finally pulled away, Dylan was breathing hard.
"Wow," he said, "Definitely wasn't expecting that."
"Now that's out of the way, you don't have to be stressed about practicing," Thomas said, with a wink.

Maybe Dylan wanted to practice more.

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