Christmas special part 2!

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Nathan POV-
I've been thinking about Sharks advice, and I think I'm going to take it.
That was a short POV-
Preston's POV-
Only 3 days until Christmas! I'm so excited. Everyone is to be fair. Moose is SUPER hyper and drinking 2× as much fanta as usual, Nathan is being a weirdo and praying at the tree even though he isnt Christian, Shark is running around the living room, and Gabe is throwing plastic balls at everyone saying there baubles! James is the only calm one here T.T. I grab my coat and head to Shark and Moose's house. We are all staying there for the weekend. It's kinda annoying that we all had to do a stupid test to get in the same bubble, but we did it. I arrived at Sharks house and knocked on the door three times, then the door opened.
"Sup Pres!" Shark welcomed me.
"Hey Sha!" I replied.
-Also when u say sha you say it like shard but take away the d-
Shark let me in and I hung my coat up.
"Hey Pres!" Nathan's voice came from upstairs and I saw him hopping down the stairs, missing a step each time. Gabe followed behind and missed two steps. On the last step he tumbled and fell. Luckily James threw an air mattress under him. Actually it's quite unfortunate. It would've been funny if Gabe hit the ground-
"I CAN HEAR YOUR INNER THOUGHTS!" James shouted. I held my breath back for a minute then realised he was joking. Maybe I was the one who needs to fall down the stairs!
Nathan's POV-
Today's the day... I'm asking Preston... I woke up and stretched my legs. I looked around me and saw Preston was snuggled up in my chest under the blanket.
"Rise and shine sleeping beauty, its Christmas" I whispered to him.
"5 more minutes..." Preston groaned.
"Presssssss its Christmas!" I slumped on the bed.
"TO BAD-" WAIT ITS CHRISTMAS?!" Preston's head shot up and he stared at me for 10 seconds, then he jumped out of bed and shouted,
"ITS CHRISTMAS-" He fell back into the bed with a thump and added,
"In 5 more minutes". I sighed and smiled.
Shark POV-
Siriusly! All of us are waiting for Preston and Nathan. Their still in bed! I ran upstairs and opened the door. Nathan was shirtless and Preston was snuggled with him in an oversized unspeakable hoodie that was thin.
"GUYS ITS CHRISTMAS" I shook them.
"Go away Shark" Nathan groaned.
"We will open the presents without you~" I teased. Nathan shot up and gave me the death stare. He then shook Preston.
"Cmon their gonna open the presents without me!" Nathan cried.
"I dont care. You go, I'm staying here." Presto mumbled sleepily.
"Oh no you dont. Not on Christmas." Nathan shot. He grabbed Preston by the legs and firemen carried him down the stairs. (They hold them by their legs and at their backs, search it up on google if u dont know)
"I hate you" Preston grumbled to Nathan.
"I love you too" Nathan laughed.
It's so wholesome. UNFIREABLE IS MY NEW OTP! Apart from me and moose.
After opening the presents
Nathan slipped a small box from his pocket and hid it behind his back, then looked at Preston.
"Preston?" Nathan asked.
This is it! THIS IS IT!
Preston POV-
I looked at Nathan for a moment and he looked back at me. Then he got on his knees in front of me.
No... he wasnt going to...
"Preston Blaine Arsement. For a while now, I have loved you with my life. You are a piece of my puzzle I could never complete. You were that missing piece. Your a piece of ME. I am unfinished without you. You are the star in my sky, the moon with my sun, the light to my dark, you are my everything. I would treat you as I would like to be treated, and live you how I want to be loved.
Preston Blaine Arsement. I love you.
And will you marry me?" Nathan said in one mouthful, then he pulled out a small black box from behind his back and opened it. It was a small ring, with a decorated, golden base and a ruby in the shape of a diamond into he centre. I gasped and looked at Nathan in the eyes.
"YES!!!" I said without hesitation. Then I ran to him and hugged him tight.
"I've been waiting for that ever since I met you. I love you to Nathan..."
Nathan held me by the waist and I hung my hands around his neck. He kissed me and I kissed him back.
"Merry Christmas Nate"
"Merry Christmas Pres"

Merry Christmas guys! So this is my Christmas special, I hope you liked it. In sorry if it doesnt match your expectations but I tried my best. I do need sleep! =w= anyway hope u enjoyed. I'm sorry I dont know when I'll be posting next it might not be until after Christmas but I'll be sure to  post when I can. If I dont I'll do a long one after Christmas.
Hope you guys have an amazing day/night!

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