Never have I ever

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questions, 5 people, let's get started!
• Gabe
• James
• Nathan (Unspeakable)
• Goerge (Moose)
• Andrew (Shark)
Preston (TBNRfrags) is currently away because he went to see Bri. Let's begin!

First question, have you ever hug attacked a friend? If you have, who?
Nathan has put in I have
Gabe has put in I have
Moose has put in I have not
Shark has put in I have not
James has put in I have not
Now. The contestants whome said they have, who did you hug attack?
Gabe- uhmmm... Well it was a dare and I hug attacked Preston because the dare was Hug attack your best friends boy/girl friend. And yeh so I hug attacked Nathan's boyfriend!
Nathan- I hug attacked James for a video- basically it was that I did a 10 WAYS TO EMBARRESS AND ANNOY YOUR FRIENDS!!! And so I did James because why not, aswell as that he hates  hugs! =w=

Next question, have you ever...
Done something your friend hates to them?
Nathan has put I have
Gabe has put I have
Moose has put I have
Shark has put I have
James has put I have
Now. The contestants whome said they have, who did you annoy?
Shark, James and Moose- we arnt gonna talk about that...
Nathan- me and gabe did it together... uhmm..
*James glares angrily at them both*
Gabe- we tickled James while he was sleeping and he locked us out Nathan's house for 3 days TwT
James- You deserved it.
Gabe- Your cute when your angry ^^
James- □////□ I hate you.
Gabe- love you too!

Hope you guys like part 1 if I have motivation to do part 2. Sorry if u didnt lol idk. I'm tired I should sleep. Nah YOUTUBE sounds better.
Bye guys!
Have a nice day/night!

I'm his gamer, and hes my vlogger (nathan and preston love story)Where stories live. Discover now