lover, please stay

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"Take care of everyone, alright?" Alby patted my shoulder as the doors to the Maze opened. I nodded towards him and Minho, feeling my stomach turn as they both turned around and sprinted into the Maze.

I sighed and felt a body approach as I watched my two friends turn the corner and be devoured through the towering walls. I bit my bottom lip as she held my hand in hers. "It'll be okay, ya know... They'll be back in a few hours."

Deciding to not stress about it, I nodded and faced Mae. She was right, as always. They were the two best guys in the Glade. Of course they would be alright, Minho has run the Maze every day for almost two years straight, and Alby...well he was the leader. The best one out of all of us. I didn't know why I was so nervous. Maybe it was the fact that I was in charge of fifty stubborn boys and a new Greenie until they arrived.

Mae grabbed my cheek gently and looked into my eyes. "It'll be okay." She repeated. I nodded, taking a deep breath with her. I don't know how she did it, but every time my anxiety would start to spiral out of control, she always found a way to cheer me up and calm me down. It was like a superpower. I wouldn't be surprised if it was real, she seems too good to be human.

I gave her a small smile and leaned my head into her hand, feeling my heart race at the small gesture. "We should probably go. It's almost time for the guys to start waking up."

She nodded and removed her hand from my cheek, letting me feel the cold, morning air again. I looked into her blue eyes for another moment, noticing the dark circles that were under them. She probably hasn't gotten a good night's sleep in a while. From being drunk to mourning the death of the person who tried to kill her. I didn't feel the least bit sorry for Ben, he brought it upon himself. But I knew that Mae was going to have a hard time with it, and I did feel bad about not getting to speak to her before I went to bed.

"Did you get any sleep?" I asked her as I wrapped my hand around her waist, walking both of us towards the Homestead for breakfast.

"No," She shook her head casually, confirming my thoughts. "Did you?"

I shrugged. "Had a bloody hard time getting comfortable, but I think I drifted off eventually. Where did you go after?"

"Needed to clear my head." She fumbled with her fingers as she looked down at the grass, making me furrow my eyebrows. I studied her small hands, noticing that she had small cuts and bruises around her knuckles, and the pads of her fingertips were beginning to blister. She also had bandages wrapped around her palms, which I'm certain were not there the last time I saw her. I stopped walking and took her hands in mine, making her sigh.

"I'm fine." She told me. I shook my head and ignored her protest, lightly grazing my fingers over the cuts and bruises.

"Did you beat someone up?" I asked her with a breathy laugh, trying to hide my concern that she didn't want.

Mae shrugged and took her hands out of mine. "Maybe I did, you'll never know..."

I chuckled at her comment, wrapping my arm around her shoulders this time. It's crazy how hard it was for me to keep my hands off of her. I always just felt the need to touch any innocent part of her for some reason. Her arms, her knee, her shoulders...anything that I could. Ever since I saw the way that some of the guys looked at her, I felt the need to keep her close. And especially with what happened yesterday, she'd be dammed if I even let her out of my sight.

I wasn't possessive. Just protective. She didn't need me. She never has, but I always felt this overwhelming urge to just keep her close as if she'd slip through my fingers at any moment. And now that things were changing around the Glade, I felt that pull more than ever.

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