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sooyun didn't sleep that night either. no matter what she did, she could still feel the weight of her words. the way minji had looked at her, looking small and hurt.

she mindlessly picked at the loose strings on her sweater. she had been so hostile, and she hated it. she hated this person, whoever they were. they had made her end a relationship with someone she treasured.

so now she needed to figure out who they were.

sooyun grabbed her phone and went to the messages between her and killerkitten.

the one thing i'll tell you is that you know me very well.

that's what their last message had said. her first thought was that it was chan and she quickly had pushed it aside. but now she wasn't sure. she couldn't rule anyone out just yet.

she tried to remember what killerkitten had said to minji. she knew they knew about minji and chan. but they had also been weird about felix. it almost sounded personal, possessive.

sooyun thought that it could be some crazy girl who had a crush on him but then she ruled that idea out. she knew this person, which made it all the more terrifying. unless killerkitten was lying to her and she was going down a useless path.

but she had to try anyway.

she didn't know much about this person. only that they knew a lot about her. about minji. about minho. but how much did they know? and how did they know?

she also knew that this person was at the back to school party at jisung's. and considering the attack in the girl's bathroom with minji, it was safe to say they also went to her school.

the one thing i'll tell you is that you know me very well.

sooyun couldn't get those words out of her head. they latched on and they just stuck. just how well did she know this person? was she close with them? were they in her friend group?

then she thought of something else. the zoo.

she had to figure out what this zoo thing was. for some reason, it kept leading back up to it. whatever that was. and she knew exactly who to go to.

sooyun looked at the time, noticing it was nearly one am. she stuffed her phone into her pocket and rushed downstairs. slipping on her shoes, she grabbed her keys and went outside.

she noticed how chilly the air was as she rushed to her car, but she couldn't be bothered by that. she slid into the driver seat and shut the door. she didn't even bother putting her seatbelt on as she backed out of her driveway and flew down the street.

she arrived at her destination within minutes. she walked up the path leading to the house, the leaves crunching under her feet. she walked to the side of the house and took a deep breath. maybe she was in over her head but she had to do this.

sooyun knocked on the door three times. waited. then she knocked again. the door swung open and sooyun took a step back to avoid getting hit.

"seo sooyun," an amused but charming grin grew across yang jeongin's face as he opened the door. sooyun could tell by the slice of pizza in his hand that he hadn't been sleeping. "you realize it's after one in the morning, yes?"

"i need your help," she said and his eyebrow raised. not just out of curiosity but also out of concern.

he took a large bite of pizza and chewed, never taking his eyes off of sooyun. once he realized she was serious, he stepped back. "come on in," he said and sooyun stepped inside. jeongin shut the door and locked it.

sooyun looked around. it hadn't changed much since the last time she had been here. jeongin lived in his parents' basement and it was always clean. it was the opposite of what you'd expect a teenage boy's room to look like.

"all right, soo," jeongin said, gaining her attention. "what can i do for you?"

soo hesitated. maybe this was a bad idea. minji telling soo got her in trouble. what if it would do the same to jeongin?

jeongin tilted his head at her. he could sense how much she was hesitating. the question was why. "is everything okay?"

"not really," soo replied, her eyes moving around warily. "i just don't know if it's safe."

jeongin nodded once and placed his pizza down on an empty plate. "soo, you can talk freely in here. no one can bug or hack this place without me knowing about it. trust me."

and she did. she walked over to the couch and sat down. "someone has been harassing me. and minji," she said. "their name is killerkitten on instagram. i don't know who it is. but i have this horrible feeling that minji is in danger."

"harassing?" jeongin's eyebrows quirked up. "did you tell minho? or your brother?"

soo was quick to shake her head. "no, i-i can't." jeongin noticed the tone in her voice. she was scared. "this person...they know a lot. and i don't know how they know, or how much they know."

"okay," jeongin said. "maybe i can see where the messages are coming from. but only if the person isn't using a blocker of some sort."

soo nodded slowly. "there's also something else i'm hoping you can look into." jeongin nodded and waited for her to continue. "this person keeps leaving notes. i don't have any but they keep mentioning the same thing: the zoo is watching."

"the zoo? i'm assuming it's something much more than animals locked in a cage?" jeongin said and soo nodded. "okay, i'll look into it. see what i can find. it's most likely some sort of private website."

"what does that mean?"

"it basically just means that you can't find it by searching on google. you have to be invited." soo frowned at his words and jeongin let out a light laugh. "don't worry. it'll be fine."

she really hoped so. not only for her sake, but also for jeongin and for everyone else.

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