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the school looked eerie at this hour. it seemed wrong. all of the lights were out in the school, the only source of light was coming from the streetlights. it was now 1:20 am and it was chilly to be a summer night.

sooyun had begged her not to go by herself but she had to. so much had happened in the past few days but minji knew there had to be a reason for it. there had to be a reason felix was doing this to her. there was still a part of her that really hoped that sooyun was wrong. she just couldn't believe it was him.

minji shivered in her hoodie as she looked around. she felt like somebody was watching her. almost like they were lurking in the shadows. she looked back at the school and sighed. then she started up the sidewalk.

the entrance doors were unlocked as she pulled them open. she started walking down the hall, the soles of her shoes tapping against the floor. it's quiet and it's really dark, the only source of light being from skylights throughout the hallway.

suddenly music started blaring through the speakers, making minji jump. it was an unfamiliar tune to her but something about it made her feel so creeped out. she heard her name being called and she whipped around to see a boy dressed in all black clothing and a black cat mask.

"hyunjin?" she asked but the person didn't answer. they just continued to stand there. the music started to warp and the person took a step closer to minji, causing her to take a step back. then the music abruptly stopped and the person started running towards minji. she screamed and started running away.

as she neared the end of the hall, another boy wearing the same thing ran out of a classroom. minji screamed again and pushed herself to run faster, going down another hall. she could hear their shoes slapping hard and fast behind her, gaining on her.

she saw the cafeteria doors at the end of the hall. she ran as fast as she could, pushing her way through the doors. as soon as she ran through the doors, she was shoved to the floor. she let out a little grunt of pain as her hands and knees made contact with the hard tiles.

she got back to her feet and heard the cafeteria doors open again. she turned around to see another boy stroll in. he was wearing all black like the other two but his cat mask was white. just like the one at the party.

minji took two small steps back. "please, you don't have to do this," minji's voice was shaky. the one with the white cat mask reached up and took his mask off. minji saw the pop of red hair as he lowered it, then she saw his face. "felix?"

the other two took off their masks too. it was hyunjin and chan. neither of them could look at her, especially chan. he was just staring at the floor.

sooyun had been right. she couldn't believe it was actually felix but here he was. and chan and hyunjin were a part of it too. minji started crying and felix started crying too, his crying turning into manic laughter.

"oh, shut the fuck up, minji. just stop," he yelled and minji flinched. "you don't get to do that! you don't get to stand there and cry like you're the one with a broken heart. you've been cheating on me, for months. do you have any idea how much that hurts me?"

"i'm sorry felix..."

"no!" he roared. he shoved her to the floor and she winced. she tried to scoot away from him but he grabbed her ankles and pulled her back. "you know what the worst part about this is? you didn't even plan on telling me. fuck minji, i don't even think you planned on stopping either. you just couldn't stop yourself from fucking my best friend, could you?"

"felix, please," minji whimpered, tears streaming down her face. "i'm so.."

felix held up a hand. "sorry? yeah, no you're not. i don't want to hear that it was a mistake and that you didn't mean to hurt me. i don't want to hear how much you claim to love me. it's all bullshit. if you loved me, you wouldn't have done this to me.

"i'm sure you're wondering how i even found out about you and chan. but the thing is, i don't think you deserve an explanation. i found out, and let's leave it at that." felix reached behind his back and pulled out a knife, making a lump form in her throat. he squatted down to her level.

"felix, i know i hurt you and i know sorry doesn't change anything. but i really am sorry," minji said, more tears streaming down her face. "please. i really do love you."

he looked at her for a second, then his eyes darkened. "you're right, minji. it doesn't change anything." minji didn't even have time to process what was happening before felix was on top of her, the knife's blade against her throat.

"felix! please, don't!" minji sobbed. felix pressed the blade into her skin and she cried out, kicking her legs as hard as she could. he slapped her hard across the face and she whimpered. felix moved the knife down to her arm and she screamed at he pressed the blade into her skin.

"felix, mate," chan stepped forward. felix stopped and whipped his head around, glaring at chan.

"don't you fucking dare 'mate' me," felix gritted out. "we are not mates anymore. one more word out of you and i'll kill you too."

chan moved his eyes to the floor again and didn't say anything else. felix looked back at minji and saw more tears rolling down her cheeks. "felix, please. we're so sorry. we didn't mean to let it get this far," she said.

and it was like something had snapped in felix right at that moment. he wrapped his hands around her throat and started choking her. "fe...lix... please... stop," minji tried. she grabbed at his wrists and tried to get him to release his grip but nothing was working.

his eyes were dark but he was crying. he squeezed harder and minji gasped, desperately fighting to get in more air. she dug her nails into his wrists, tears streaming down her face.

"fe...lix..." she managed to get out. she was starting to feel weaker. she gripped his wrists as hard as she could, more tears filling her eyes. "felix...please... don'"

felix let out an angry sob and picked up her neck before slamming it back onto the floor. minji cried out as his grip tightened. her vision was getting blurry and she felt so lightheaded.

then there was a loud noise and everything just stopped.

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