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sooyun pulled into the driveway of jeongin's house and put the car into park. she looked over at minji, who kept glancing around. sooyun unclipped her seatbelt and ignored the throbbing sensation in her shoulder. "don't worry," sooyun said and minji jumped slightly, looking over at her. "we'll be safe here."

minji hesitated. then she took her seatbelt off and opened the car door. sooyun locked her car then the girls walked towards the house. sooyun knocked three times and took a step back. jeongin opened the door for them not even ten seconds later.

"sooyun," jeongin nodded his head at her then looked at minji. "minji." minji looked at him then looked back, her eyes moving frantically. jeongin sucked in a breath of air between his teeth, making her look back at him. "you guys can come in."

jeongin stepped back and the girls walked into the house. jeongin took a glance around outside then shut the door. he punched in a security code and the door buzzed. he spun around and looked at each of the girls.

sooyun looked terrible. even worse than she did last night. she was holding her arm and wincing. minji on the other hand looked terrified. there was obvious signs that she had been crying. she kept looking around the room too.

"you guys look terrible," jeongin spoke. sooyun attempted to straighten her posture. "has it gotten worse?"

sooyun nodded. "yeah, killerkitten attacked us in the girls bathroom. but there were two of them this time. and one of them hit my shoulder with a bat."

"jesus," jeongin swore. he walked over to his computer. "mention of killerkitten. i finally got a hit on our little friend."

sooyun walked over as jeongin started typing. "so i was right about the zoo. it's a private, invite-only app." sooyun looked at the laptop screen as jeongin clicked on an app. the background was an off white color and had a loading bar appeared.

the screen finished loading and four words appeared on the screen in colorful letters. welcome to the zoo. the screen changed and a box appeared prompting for a school's name. jeongin typed in jungsan high school. then the screen changed again. it was a login screen.

"how did you find it if it's invite-only?" minji asked as she walked over to where they were. jeongin typed in a username and password and hit enter. the screen glitched. welcome back, fenneccy appeared on the screen in the same colorful letters.

jeongin turned to look at minji. "it wasn't easy. it's hard to ask questions without raising suspicion. especially about a private app," he said. "then someone messaged me with a link to download the app, saying this might be what i was looking for."

jeongin turned his attention back to the computer screen. he clicked on a button that said see feed. "so i made an account and i started looking through the feed... and honestly, this app is insane."

"how so?" sooyun and minji both moved closer to look at the screen better. sooyun had to hold in a gasp at what she was seeing.

the zoo. it was an app full of anonymous posts. and they were not nice. drama, rumors, confessions. everything. some posts had pictures or videos attached.

jeongin scrolled a bit more on his feed. then he clicked on someone's account. killkz. "i'm pretty sure this is our guy," he said. he leaned back from the screen to give the girls more room. "take a look."

killkz's account was full of hateful posts and it didn't take long to figure out who they were about. there were even posts with videos. one of them stood out to sooyun with a sickening feeling.

"minji.... isn't that your house?" sooyun pointed at it and jeongin clicked on the post. he clicked on the play button and the video started playing.

the video was shot from across the street and it was clearly minji's house. they could hear the sound of crickets and leaves rustling. a car pulled up next to the house and minji recognized it as chan's. they watched as minji gave chan a kiss before getting out of the car. then chan drove off and minji walked into the house.

the person shooting the video walked across the street and around the house, stopping at a bedroom window. the light flicked on and they could make out minji's figure through the sheer curtains as she walked into the room.

as she started to pull off her clothes, sooyun backed away from the screen and looked away. "what the fuck?" minji stole the words straight from her mouth. tears pricked her eyes. she was angry. humiliated. "what the fuck is that!"

jeongin quickly turned off the video and looked at the girls. "you guys need to be careful and i..." he hesitated. "i really think you should take this to the police."

"the police are not going to believe us, jeongin," sooyun replied. "and i can't.... minho... everything i've done because of this asshole has been to protect him." sooyun couldn't help but let out a sob.

"okay, okay," jeongin said. "i'll look more into this guy. see if i can figure out who he is. is there anything this guy has said to either of you that stands out?"

"not really," minji said. "just that we know them well. very well."

jeongin nodded as if he was thinking it over. "okay, so that narrows it down, yeah? they could be part of your friend group."

"i can't imagine jisung doing anything like this," minji said replied. "or hyunjin. or any of them."

"i can't either," sooyun frowned and looked at minji. "but somebody is doing this to us, minnie! and we have no idea who they are or what they're really capable of! i mean, look at my arm!"

"i know.. and i'm sorry," minji replied. "this is all my fault!" sooyun hugged her friend tightly. "i'm sorry, soo."

"it's okay. we're gonna get through this."

but even sooyun didn't believe that. she was terrified of this person and didn't know what was going to happen. and although minji nodded her head at her, she could only pray that sooyun was right.

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