Chapter 6

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I know it's been a while since I've written anything new so I hope you like this little snippet:) make sure to vote and comment and tell me if you like it! Im in a bit of a writer's block and don't know where to go with this yet, so I thought I'd give you guys something. If you have any ideas please share them with me. ENJOY!!

Mavis POV:
I woke up to the feeling of soft sheets under my skin and feeling as if I was laying on a cloud. I rolled around and moaned out in pleasure from the feather light touch of the sheets as they wrapped around my bare skin.. Wait! This isn't my room. Where am I??


OMG!! I frantically began touching my body to confirm if I was in fact naked, which I was, and almost lost it. What had happened? Why can't I remember anything, and why does my head hurt so much??

As I was having a mental breakdown I heard the door unlock and sensed a person step into the room.

"Good morning beautiful!" A deep masculine voice called out to me.

What? What happened to Jake? Who was this person?

"I hope you're okay with pancakes and scrambled eggs, if you want I can always make you something else.." I felt the gears in my head turning as I tried to put the pieces together and figure out who this was.

"Babe, are you okay? Was I to rough on you?" I jumped up and scooted back on the bed away from the male stranger who I could hear scooting closer to me.

"What are you talking about?! Who are you? Where am I?!!" I yelled in a panic-filled voice. I felt as if I was in some sort of messed up reality or something.

"Babe what are you talking about. Don't you remember who I am? Don't you remember the amazing night we shared together?"

I screamed.

To be continued...

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