Elf on the shelf

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Sickie/Little: Mark

Caregiver: GOT6

Noone's POV.:

A few months ago, the oldest member of the group had come out to his friends as a little. Now that they were on Christmas break following their latest comeback, the rapper spent larger amounts of time in his headspace. The stress was finally melting away and he was more excitable for Christmas than he had been in years. The members had welcomed their little with open arms, accepting him without hesitation. They were in total awe of their physically oldest hyung. In order to make Christmas special for their Markie, they had all done their research on American Christmas traditions, that they may be able to pick up and make the little feel more at home. It had been Youngjae who had stumbled over the tradition of the elf on the shelf and reading the online article out loud to the rest of the members, they had soon agreed that it sounded like a fun game they could play all month long. Jackson had immediately ordered a small stuffed elf, which had arrived only a few days later during the first week of December.

Every day they moved the tiny doll somewhere else and depending on whether Mark was in headspace or not in the morning, he was barely able to sit still during breakfast, having to wait till his caregivers had finished their meal before he could roam the dorm to look for their elf 'Blinky'. Big Mark was always quick to spot Blinky but sometimes it would take his little self till the late afternoon to find the elf. It was a nice way to keep the little occupied. The weather was awful, a mixture between snow and rain making it impossible for the caregivers to take their little out to play, too big was the risk of him catching a cold around Christmas. That was something they had been avoiding at all costs, as they had never taken care of a Mark that was both, sick and little at the same time.

Yesterday though, Mark had woken up out of headspace and had immediately spotted Blinky on the way from his room to the kitchen, chuckling at his dongsaengs' poor hiding place. After breakfast, he had accompanied Jaebeom and Jinyoung to the grocery store. It had been the first time that he left the dorm in what felt like an eternity. Unfortunately, he had slipped right when they got to the store, panicking as he saw the crowds of people. Jinyoung had been quick to guide him back to the parking lot, so the little could calm himself. Jaebeom had followed them suit and sharing a look with his dongsaeng, they had agreed not to take the little into the store. With Mark feeling too little to be left in the car alone, Jaebeom had gone to get their groceries by himself while Jinyoung had zipped up the little's coat to go for a short walk around the area. It hadn't been raining for once so when they had passed a playground with the little begging to go on the swings, Jinyoung had agreed, assuring himself that no one was around to see the regressed idol.

It had been a struggle to convince the little to go back to the car when the leader had texted that he was done with their errands. Mark hadn't played outside in a while. With the promise of hot chocolate at home, Jinyoung had been able to persuade Mark to walk back to the car, holding his hand instead of insisting on being carried there. Singing along to the Christmas carols that had rung from the car speakers, Jinyoung had texted Jackson, asking him to prepare some hot chocolate for when they got back because Mark had slipped unexpectedly. After Mark had finished his hot chocolate at home while his nose had still been slightly reddened from the cold air outside, he had been tucked in for his nap by Jackson and Yugyeom. Following his nap, he had still been sniffly all afternoon, lacking the energy to play with his 'hyungs' Bambam and Youngjae, like he usually did after his naps. The remaining afternoon, he had spent curled up on Jackson's lap, watching cartoons. As soon as the little had gone to bed for the night, not using his paci this time, the members decided to hide Blinky with the little's paci, making it seem like the elf had stolen it. Little did they know, that Mark would wake up even deeper in headspace than usual, feeling more than just a bit under the weather.

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