Oh, alright

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Little: Yugyeom (age 1-4)

Caregiver: Jaebeom

No one's POV.:

Yugyeom had first learned about age regression during highschool. Two of his closest friends had come out to him as little and he occasionally took care of them. He found his friends quite cute when they were little but never considered slipping himself. His height making it difficult for him to feel small. Until he started to train under JYP, that is. A few months into his training, the pressure was already getting to him and for the sake of his sanity, he tried age regression for himself. It was difficult in the beginning but after a while, slipping felt more natural to him and he established his typical headspace age of four years. It was young enough to get away from the stress but he could still take care of himself and make sure he wouldn't get caught. Regressing still remained his favorite and most effective coping mechanism after debut, though Yugyeom never told his band members about his headspace. They all knew the dancer wanted to be cute and yearned for affection from his friends but they never knew why. Sure, Yugyeom trusted them but he was too afraid of being rejected to ever out himself. He regressed every time he'd get the dorm to himself or cover his face during his sleep, so nobody would see him suck on his thumb. It had worked pretty well all these years, so he never even considered telling the others, despite wishing for a caregiver who'd treat him all soft and affectionate.

Today Yugyeom was tasked with choreographing one of their new songs. It was easy, the beat taking over his body and within the next two hours he was done. He kept practicing it for a while and recorded it to teach his members later that week. The dancer had expected to be spending the entire day in the practice room but to his surprise, he was able to go home shortly before lunch. He had no other schedule that day because no one expected him to finish up that quickly. The other members all had their own schedules, that would last the whole day too, which meant the dorm would be empty for at least five more hours, probably longer. A spark of excitement lit up his face. It had been ages since he had been little for longer than an hour. On his way back to the dorm, Yugyeom picked up some kimbap, so he wouldn't have to go through the hassle of cooking for himself. Kicking off his shoes at the front door, the dancer dropped his bag and took a quick shower. The rubber duck he had taken with him, made it easy to let go of all the adult thoughts clouding his head. Afterwards he changed into black shorts and an oversized yellow sweater. He took his sippy cup and filled it with juice before sitting down at the table with his kimbap and juice. The little also tied a tea towel around his neck to create a makeshift bib. Little Yugyeom was not necessarily a messy eater but the bib made him feel small and it protected his favorite headspace sweater from any potential stains. He hummed happily, nibbling on his kimbap. He had really missed this.

After his meal, he cleaned up after himself and threw the tea towel into the wash. He picked up his sippy cup and took it back to his and Bambam's shared room. Sitting on the floor with his legs crossed, Yugyeom pulled out a small box from under his bed. For a second his eyes became glossy, when they fell on his light blue pacifier. He usually preferred his paci over his thumb but when he slept his thumb was easier to hide, so he hasn't been able to use that comfort item in a long time. Slipping the paci between his lips, the little instantly relaxed and started to suckle on it softly. He also pulled out a coloring book and some crayons for later, as well as a few small toy cars to play with now. While the coloring book sat on his bed untouched, Yugyeom let the cars race all over the room, over his desk and up him closet, making quiet 'vroom vroom' noises behind his pacifier.

Jaebeom had, similar to his dongsaeng, gotten off of work early that day. He had been in a meeting with their management which was supposed to last all day but was unexpectedly cut short due to the absence of one of their managers. Whispering lightly, the leader made his way back to the dorm, happy to have some time to himself. He might go for a walk later to relax and clear his head but for now all he wanted was to go home. Kicking off his shoes, he stopped whispering to engulf in the rare silence. It wasn't all that silent though. Further down the hall way Jaebeom heard some weird muffled noises, coming from the direction of their maknaes' room. Furrowing his browns, the leader made his way down the hallway to check it out. He didn't expect either of the two to be home already, so he peaked into the room without knocking. The leader had expected anything, literally anything, except coming face to face with their giant maknae, having a pacifier in his mouth and a toy car in his hand. The younger was frozen in his spot, staring at his hyung in horror. Jaebeom was frozen too, taking in the scene but unable to make any sense of it. Thick silence hung over both of them, only interrupted by the car slipping from Yugyeom's hand and clattering to the ground.

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