Chapter 27

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POV: Anakin Skywalker

Her head rested on my chest and her legs lay across my lap. I stared off into the busy city night of Coruscant as her fingers delicately fondled with strands of the chestnut hair that fell across my ear closest to her.

A sigh escaped my lips as her hand brushed across the skin of my neck while she continued to play with my hair.

"Anakin?" she asked quietly.

I closed my eyes and hummed in response.

"Can you even feel with your hair?"

My eyes snapped open and looked down at her with a raised eyebrow. Upon seeing the look of dead seriousness written across her face, I couldn't help but chuckle. Here I thought we were sharing a deep moment.

"Really? That's what you were thinking about?" I laugh.

She looked away upon hearing the sarcasm. Before she could stand up and move away from me, I tightened my grip around her and leaned my face down towards her head. "No Snips, I can't."

I took a moment to let my breath linger on the sensitive stripes of her lekku. "Can you feel this?" I asked knowing full well the answer.

She sucked in a breath at the feeling and my question but didn't move. I tilted my head just enough to allow the tip of my nose to brush against her lekku. "Or this?" The rate of her breathing began to pick up as I rubbed my nose more firmly and slowly up and down the smooth surface.

She moaned softly as I finally allowed my lips to replace my nose in a soft kiss to her lekku. Her sweet sound encouraged my movements as I planted more passionate and desperate kisses along her lekku and then rolled off the old bench we were situated, pinning her to the ground below.

"Anakin," she whined in surprise.

I leaned down ever so carefully to capture a long-awaited kiss. "I love you Ahsoka," I whispered into her lips. "Now, and always."


I jolted straight up from the covers of my bed panting heavily as a cold sweat glistened across my chest. I looked to my side at the now empty stop of the room that used to be Ahsoka's bed and then buried my head in my hands, running my fingers through my hair in a stressful manner.

Nights like these had become normal, even expected. The nightmares and memories would haunt me every time I closed my eyes to the point where I would just get up. My eyes would silently and sadly follow her beautiful face and figure whenever she walked by me in the halls while her head would remain down, acting unaware of my gaze or even my presence at all.

I simply had no more tears left to give as I lifted myself from my bed and threw my simple dark robe over my shoulders.

The halls of the temple were dark and quiet, but the surrounding city was as busy as always as I hopped onto my speeder and flew into the heart of Coruscant in the direction of the nearest bar.

Everyone inside was too wound up in their own pleasure to pay me any mind as I walked through the doors into the busy Coruscant bar and I was thankful not to have to deal with the extra attention.

"What will it be for you sir?" The bartender asked as I took a seat on a high stool.

"Merenzane Gold please," I mumbled.

Moments later my drink arrived and numbly drank it down at a fast pace... and then the second and the third after that. I gave in to the only thing I felt could numb my pain and convince myself that I didn't give a care in the galaxy.

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