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Jeno's ears prick when he hears the doorbell ring. He has been laying with his face buried in his pillow for goodness knows how long, with Renjun and Donghyuck no doubt whispering about him. He becomes dizzy for a few moments when the blood rushes out of his head. He is about to go and answer the door but Renjun pushes him back down onto the bed.

"Your parents have it sorted." He explains and Jeno's mouth opens and closes with shock and slight betrayal.

"My parents are in on it as well?" He gasps.

As described, the sound of his parents chattering with Jaemin flows up the stairs and into Jeno's bedroom and he lays back down with disbelief. His previous anger is not so prominent anymore, now that he has been thoroughly assured that Jaemin's silence is because of his 'surprise', whatever that may be. But even Renjun has expressed how he feels Jaemin is a little idiotic for not telling Jeno why he cancelled the date. So, Jeno feels that that gives him the right to be a tiny bit mad.

Now, he is mostly restless and curious. He chews on his lip and scratches his fingernails against the back of his other hand.

"Don't do that. Jaemin would disapprove." Renjun warns him and he brings his hands down to pull at the duvet instead.

"Should I be scared?" Jeno asks, timid all of a sudden. His nose is still a little blocked from his tears earlier and he slapped on some makeup when they arrived at his house in an attempt to conceal the redness.

"Not at all. You'll love it." Donghyuck ruffles Jeno's hair and Jeno rolls over so his back is against the wall to create distance between them. "Sorry."

"I want to at least look good when this surprise comes." Jeno huffs and paces over to his mirror to fix his hair. He notices Renjun shoot Donghyuck a smirk but he says nothing of it.

"Hello? Are you in there?" Jaemin's voice at the door makes Jeno nearly poke himself in the eye with shock and the other two spring to life, ushering him to sit on the bed and to close his eyes.

"Yeah! Just a sec! Jeno, Jaemin loves everything about you. It doesn't matter what your hair looks like, just close your goddamn eyes." Renjun calls out to Jaemin then mutters to Jeno. He has to cover Jeno's eyes himself when the other pouts and grumbles. "Okay, you can come in!"

Jeno sucks in a breath when he hears the door creak as it opens. Footsteps. Lots of shuffling around. A small yelp, colourful cursing, then bright laughter fills the room and Jeno internally panics. No, there's no way Jaemin would do anything to mock him, or be mean to him. The laughter sets him on edge.

"Sit. Sit. Sit. Sit! For goodness' sake, thank you." Jaemin grumbles and Jeno keens at the sound of his voice this time. Surviving an entire weekend without his usual presence has been tough on his emotions, so he hopes that whatever he has planned is worth it. But it's Jaemin. He always has the best ideas. Even if Jeno is sometimes a little biased due to his weak and infatuated heart.

"Baby." Jaemin takes Jeno's hands in his own and presses a kiss to Jeno's lips. This makes Renjun shriek and pull his hand from Jeno's eyes as though he has been burned. Tiny yaps follow and Jeno, now with his vision back, watches how Jaemin tilts his head backwards and closes his eyes as though trying not to lose his patience.

"Baby." Jeno repeats with a smirk. He tries to crane his head around to see what Renjun and Donghyuck are wrestling with, but Jaemin moves to block his vision. Everyone has been doing that recently. Now Jaemin seems nervous.

"I've actually had this planned since the summer, but it got delayed and now it's all happening just in time for Christmas, which is really cute and I know I had to cancel yesterday and I'm really sorry and I'm also really sorry for not texting you so much and I feel like I've been a bad boyfriend so I hope this makes up for it and I-"

A warm wetness tickles where their hands are intertwined, then a white ball of fluff jumps up onto Jeno's lap and proceeds to continue licking at his face.

"Sorry. We tried to contain him." Donghyuck pants and flaps his hands around. Jaemin shakes his head, smiling, and beams down at Jeno.

Jeno is struggling to push whatever is attacking him away from his face, but he is laughing too hard and the dog is too excited to calm down.

"Beau! Down!" Jaemin joins in the laughter and pries the puppy's paws from his boyfriend.

Finally, the puppy jumps back down onto the floor and sits like instructed, his tail wagging in a blur across the carpet. Jaemin wipes a tear from Jeno's eyes which had been forced out from how hard he had been laughing. Jeno's belly nearly hurts from the excitement, but it doesn't matter because his heart is now fixed, bursting from love.

"Beau?" Jeno tilts his head and stares at the Samoyed in his bedroom. His collar is red, contrasting with the pure white of his beautiful coat. The name is fitting, he thinks. The puppy mirrors his expression.

"That's his name, yeah." Jaemin confirms. Jeno can't contain a smile, eyes crinkling up into perfect crescents and he slides onto the floor, arms out for Beau to come up to him.

The puppy struts over the carpet and Jeno swears he hears a camera clicking as he nuzzles his face into the velvety fur. Beau wriggles around, tongue lolling and ears flopping, but Jeno is adamant to stay holding on. He is already smitten for the dog.

"Well?" Renjun prompts and Jeno had forgotten him and Donghyuck were even in the room.

"I love him, Nana." Jeno smiles again and Beau's eyes follow the same pattern as he seems to smile along with his new human.

"Oh my goodness, do you see that?" Donghyuck squeals and leans down to ruffle Beau's fur. "Who's a good boy? Who's a good boy?" Beau yaps again and jumps to lick Donghyuck's face all over, excited by all the attention.

"You love him more than me?" Jaemin pretends to be upset, and Jeno gets to his feet to be face to face with his boyfriend.

"Don't worry. You still have my heart. But thank you so much, Jaemin." Jeno initiates the kiss this time. It is sweet and slow, then they touch foreheads for a while afterwards, breaths mingling.

"I'm sorry for not texting so you much over these two days." Jaemin squeezes Jeno's hands.

"I forgive you." Jeno promises and Jaemin breathes a sigh of relief before briefly pecking his lips once more. "You could have told me that you had something bigger planned instead of leaving me hanging, but Beau is so adorable and he makes up for it."

Beau fully barks now and both of them jump, turning to watch the dog race in circles around the carpet. All four of them descend into giggles and laughter all over again.

"Shall we go for a walk?" Jaemin fishes around in a shopping bag in the corner and pulls out a red lead to match Beau's collar. He holds out his other hand for Jeno to take.

"Yes, we shall." Jeno smirks and clasps Jaemin's hand, even giving it a quick peck.

"Merry early Christmas, Jeno."


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