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Thank you for reading!! <3

I hope you enjoyed the slight-angst-turned-festive-fluff. This wasn't my best writing because I wrote it in a short space of time but I had fun with it and I hope it made you smile. Also remember that a dog, or any pet for that matter, is not just for Christmas, but for life.

This year has been tough and NCT have been there the entire time to make it better. (Stan NCT for a better life as everyone says hehe) We've had a comeback a month since march if you include SuperM (they're a subunit too in my head) and they have all worked so incredibly hard and I am so endlessly proud of them.

If any of you are feeling down, my pms are always always open.

Look after yourselves and have a wonderful break. You all deserve it.

Lots of love xxx


Started: 16/12/20 // Completed: 19/12/20

Word count: 4639

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