Ch 5: The big bad

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I started reading fanfics again and it reminded me of how much fun writing and reading fanfics can be.


Stiles paced back and forth watching as Noah dozed in and out of his sleep. His wound had shut but was still pulsating much to Deaton's dismay. It meant that his treatment was working but not in the way he wanted to. Noah moaned and groaned while Derek was removing the pain from him. Deaton started mixing another concoction in hopes that it makes the healing process rapid. His lips were in a tight line and Stiles hated it; he knew that meant there was something more going on.

"How could you let that slip, Deaton?" Derek grumbled, "we had kept it a secret for so long."

"I wasn't thinking straight." Deaton sighed, "I was so focused on fixing him and making sure he healed I didn't consider the secret."

Stiles scoffed but nodded, "we understand."

"We don't" Derek glared at Deaton.

Stiles gave Derek a pointed look making the Alpha shut his mouth. Noah let out a soft whimper and Stiles felt his eyes sting with tears. He hated to see his son in so much pain and it made his stomach burn with anger. He wanted to find whoever did this and get his revenge. Derek kissed Noah's forehead and whispered something neither of the other men could hear. Stiles could see the tears threatening to spill from Derek's eyes and it made the heat from his stomach rise to his throat.

"What do we do next?" Derek sighed and lifted his head and did his best to blink his tears away.

"We wait for him to heal first but until then there isn't much we can do." Deaton stuffed mint into lavender without looking up.

"I'll talk to Galaxy." Derek had yet to move away from Noah and Stiles hadn't stopped pacing.

"I can go to the area he was attacked and take samples to Lydia at the lab." Stiles offered and Derek nodded.

"I'll show you once he wakes and is stable." Derek's voice had gone soft and Stiles knew that Derek was internally blaming himself.

He would address that later but for now he just wanted to make sure Noah was okay. Deaton sprinkled something unfamiliar to Stiles and then lit the entire concoction on fire. A purple spark grew from the flames along with blue smoke. The room quickly filled up and then all at once disappeared. Derek and Stiles let out soft coughs and Deaton immediately placed the cream on Noah's wound. With a sizzle, it sunk into his skin and the pulsating stopped.

"What was that?" Stiles finally slowed down but his heart was still pounding hard against his ribcage.

"Henbane it helps with calming and muscle relaxation." Deaton mashed more herbs adding them into the concoction.

"Why do his muscle need to be relaxed? How is that helpful?" Derek knew he was projecting his anger into Deaton.

"For the spasms if the pain grows worse?" Deaton lit another fire.

"Worse?!" Stiles' eyes grew wide.

"Maybe, we have to see for him to wake back up." Deaton was growing frustrated but he knew they meant no harm.

Derek kissed Noah's forehead and hummed softly to him. The black veins were becoming lighter and lighter and Stiles could feel relief flooding over him. Noah let out a weak cough but his eyes remained closed. All Stiles wanted was for his son to wake up and be okay. That's all he needed in that moment.


When Noah woke he was in his own bedroom tucked under his blanket. The warmth of the bed made him want to sink deeper into the mattress and melt back into his sleep. The darkness was comforting and the silence was perfect. Everything about his room was perfect. He let out a sigh and pulled the blanket up to his chin so that he could contain the warmth against the cool breeze coming from his opened window. He was about to fall back to sleep when he realized...his window was open. He never slept with his window open. His eyes shot open.

Hovering over him was a woman with a wicked, wide grin. Her teeth razor sharp and skin pale and sickly. Her eyes were a sharp green and she reached out to him. A wheezing cackle escaped her lips and she clawed towards his neck. He squirmed out of the way last minute and shut his eyes hoping she would be gone.

"My beacon!" She sneered, "this is your fault!"

He heard one last hiss and then an eerie silence. His heart was pounding so loud it was the only thing he could hear and his chest aches from the fear. He opened his eyes slowly and there she was just inches away from his face.

"Still here baby wolf!" She wrapped her hands around his neck and he let out a cry.

"Help!" He tried but with no air going in him meant no sound coming from him.

"It's too late"


Noah thrashed on metal table his wound oozing more than before. Derek held him down his eyes wide and filled with tears. Stiles helped with holding him down as Deaton applied the henbane concoction  on Noah's wound. Noah let out a blood curdling scream and his neck turned a sickly purple and Derek shouted something at Deaton that Stiles wasn't focused enough to understand. The room was growing warm and Stiles thought he would faint. He took deep breaths trying his best to keep his composure. He needed to be strong for his kid and Derek. Noah had tears rolling down his cheeks and gasping for air.

"What's wrong with him!" Stiles called out.

"I don't know. " Deaton spat and then Noah stilled.

Everyone looked at one another fear obvious on their faces. With one large gasp Noah shot up from the table and let out a sickening cough. Derek fell to the ground right beside Stiles who looked at his husband with a red face and wide eyes. Derek reached out for Stiles who took his hand instantly. Noah was sitting on the table now looking  around. His oozing wound sealed and his purple neck lightened.

"What the hell just happened?" Noah croaked.

"You tell us."

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