Ch 6: Let the Game Begin

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If someone would have told me college was this hard I might've just taken a year off before coming to school.

The sun had come up and Stiles left to go check on Natalie. Derek hadn't left Noah's side and Deaton had barely convinced Stiles but when Scott called letting Stiles know that Natalie was having a rough morning without them. Derek volunteered but Stiles also offered to get him clothes and food. Derek agreed and sat in his seat without another word.

Noah had been in and out of sleep but Derek was just glad he was out of the almost dying phase of his healing. The veins had stopped appearing and Derek could finally let his shoulders sag. With all the pain he consumed he wasn't sure if he would be able to function properly for the next two months. He sighed and grabbed his phone scrolling through his contacts.

Galaxy's name popped up and he instantly clicked it. He put the phone to his ear and listened to it ring three times before a gruff voice answered the phone. Derek's eyebrows shot up because it was the first time he's heard Galaxy sound so disheveled. But then again it could be because he's not use to using a cell phone. Derek could hear rustling from the other end and then a firm hello.

"Hey, Galaxy have you heard anything within the fae community?" Derek got straight to the point.

"You called for gossip?" Galaxy deadpanned.

"No, smartass, I called to see if your sister is alive!" Derek growled.

"What-" Galaxy stopped, "Is the child okay?"

"Yes, for now." Derek shot a worried glance Noah's way, "but we need to know."

"You and I both saw her die." Galaxy scoffed, "this has to be a new threat."

"It better be." Derek sighed heavily, "can you look into other possibilities."

"I'll do my best." Galaxy reassured him, "you have my word, baby wolf."

Derek hung up without another word and ran a shaky hand through his hair. Deaton entered the room from the front desk and gave Derek a concerned glance. He watched as Derek swallowed hard and tried to shake the effects from the veins off. He knew that Derek was the strongest out for the pack but he also knew with the amount of pain he absorbed he should be knocked out. Derek stifled a groan and checked on Noah once again.

"You should get some rest." Deaton suggested, "he's okay now, Derek."

"We won't know that until he's fully healed." Derek shook his head.

"We do know." Deaton squeezed Derek's shoulder.

Derek grumbled under his breath and continued to watch Noah without saying another word to Deaton. The silence was less than comforting but neither of the men seem to care. Derek's brain was filled with thoughts of his family and potential threats they could be facing. It made his temples throb and his heart ache he wasn't sure what he was going to do. Noah stirred slightly and Derek was instantly at his side. He hated that there wasn't something more he could do for Noah. All he could do was sit and wait.

There was a knock on the door and in came Stiles and Scott. Both with the same stressed expressions on their faces. It had been a while since Derek had seen Scott look so worried and quite honestly it made him sick to his stomach. Scott approached Noah and  he sucked in a sharp breath when he saw him. He had never seen Noah in this kind of position and it freaked him out. It made him think of his boys and how his son barely won that fight; luckily for him Derek found him before what ever was attacking could hurt him. Stiles was instantly at Derek's side and now holding his hand. He rubbed circles on Derek's hand and Derek gave him a small squeeze.

"How is he?" Stiles spoke softly and Derek wanted to give him a hug.

He hated that they were going through this, "he's been sleeping soundly since you left."

"I assured Derek that there should be no complications and that Noah is fine now but he doesn't believe me." Deaton filled Stiles in.

Stiles nodded, "we'll wait for him to say how he feels when he's awake."

Deaton nodded and left the room with a chart in his hands. Scott rubbed a hand through Noah's hair and tried his best to comfort the resting boy. Derek rested his head in his hands his temples pounding with a headache.

"This can't be happening again." Stiles rubbed at the bridge of his nose, "if it is I want all of our kids out of Beacon Hills."

Scott looked like he agreed but when he opened his mouth to speak his words got caught in his throat. Derek looked up at stiles with raised eyebrows. He knew he was worried but he didn't know if moving the kids away would work.

"What if its not Beacon Hills it's attracted to." Derek finally spoke up, "what if it's after Noah or anyone of our kids?"

"Well we can't sit here and do nothing." Stiles huffed, "we can't just sit back and not protect them."

"And we're not. We will protect the kids we just have to figure out a way to do it without them getting involved." Derek shook his head.

"Fat chance." Scott scoffed, "have you met our kids?"

"Scotty has a point." Stiles ran a frustrated hand through his hair, "Noah is almost as bad as you Derek."

Derek let out a soft grunt but kept quiet. Scott moved away from the table and stood beside Stiles. Derek wanted to just run into the woods and find the beast himself. He knew it was reckless but he was frustrated and didn't know what else to do. He looked up at Stiles who was giving him a stern eye. It was as though Stiles could practically read his mind.

"We'll start figuring stuff out once Lydia gets down here." Stiles squeezed Derek's shoulder, "in the mean time rest."

"Babe-" Derek started.

"I mean it. We need you and we can't have you running around exhausted." Stiles scolded him, "please, babe."

Derek sighed but nodded, "okay."

Stiles gave him a small smile and gave him a kiss on the forehead. He knew that it wouldn't be easy but they would figure something out soon. He hoped they would.

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