Ch 4: Rise and Shine

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I don't know why but writing has just been so hard since I started college. I wish I was still chugging stuff out as I did in high school.

When Noah woke he could barely keep his eyes open; the room he was in was dark but small glints of the sun pooled into the room through a half-blinded window. His head throbbed and his body ached; he made no moves not wanting to hurt himself more than he already has. He could hear shuffling in the room and felt his upper body tense. He strained to open his eyes but when he finally did he recognized Deaton's kind eyes. He relaxed but kept his eyes on the other man.

Deaton moved gracefully with little to no sound in his steps; the only reason Noah could hear the shuffling was because of his heightened senses. He had always been fond of Deaton and his knowledge of the supernatural world; the more he hung out with Deaton the more he wanted to embrace his werewolf side. Not that he would ever tell his parents that. They would make it a point to have him stay away from Deaton if he told them the truth.

"What happened?" He finally croaked out.

Deaton turned to him with an eyebrow raised but a relieved look in his eyes. Deaton smiled at him and made his way towards Noah's side. Noah tried to sit up but felt a sting on his abdomen. He winced and went back to laying flat on the table. Deaton stood and watched still not saying anything. Noah wasn't sure if that was a good or bad thing.

"How do you feel?" Deaton cut through the silence and Noah refrained from rolling his eyes.

"Terrible, what happened?" He repeated with a little more agitation in his tone.

" You and your friends were attacked last night," Deaton sighed, " luckily your dad was heading back and caught your scent."

"Dad found me?" Noah's chest felt tight, "is he okay? What about Chase and Echo?"

"Everyone is okay." Deaton reassured him, "your friend Echo is the worst of the bunch but Melissa has her at the hospital and she's in good hands."

Noah didn't feel exactly relieved but he was glad everyone had made it out alive. Deaton lifted Noah's shirt where a huge gash was seen slowly healing. There was green ooze around it along with black crust and white cream. He assumed the ooze and crust were from the wound and the cream was what Deaton was using to help heal him. He winced but continued to look at the trainwreck near his stomach. He had never seen his body heal with ooze and it certainly didn't help settle his stomach. A wave of nausea hit him and he looked away not sure what to do. He closed his eyes and focused on his breathing trying his best not to freak out.

"Where are my dads?" He breathed out.

"They're in the waiting room," Deaton injected the wound with something else and Noah could feel his body light up.

His chest burned along with his arms and legs; the pain was searing and he wanted to scream but thought better of it. He couldn't worry his parents more than they already were. So instead, he gritted his teeth and clenched his fist trying his best to hold in his pain. Deaton sighed and gave Noah a gentle pat on the shoulder.

"It's okay, I know it hurts." Deaton spoke softly, "it's okay for you to express your pain."

"I'm fine," Noah grunted.

"I'll give you a couple of minutes before I let them in." Deaton sighed, "you're just like Derek."

Noah ignored the comment and went back to focusing on his breathing. If he ignored the pain it would go away faster, or at least he hoped it would. His chest felt heavy and he wanted to call Chase and see how his cousin was doing; he was the one that saved Noah's life. He knew Chase would never let him live this down either. He sighed and tried to catch his breath again. Everything hurt and he just wanted it to stop. He let out a soft groan before pulling his shirt down and shutting his eyes. He rested an arm over his eyes and did his best to hold in tears. His stomach felt as though it was tearing into two.

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