10 - the banquet

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ryder thorn

"Looking sharp, mate!" Draco smirks as he pats me on the shoulder from behind me, looking into the large mirror in front of us.

"Thanks," I murmur as I adjust my tie into place, making sure that it lies straight on my chest. "You don't look too bad yourself. Your fiancée is going to be real happy when she sees you."

"She's the one who picked out my tux!" Draco laughs as I join in.

We finish up cleaning up the final touches of our outfits before making our way downstairs to the banquet room at the ministry.

As soon as we get there, we're greeted by lots of Draco's co-workers. They all seem to love him and he smiles at them, but once they leave, he turns around to me and whispers something about them. It's either something good, "He works in the Department of Mysteries. Good man," or something bad, "She's one of the new assistants on floor 3. She loves to chat, I swear she never stops talking. It's infuriating." I simply laugh and nod, not knowing how he can behave so properly in front of his coworkers and yet have all these different opinions on them.

After about another ten minutes of greeting people, were interrupted when Y/n and Jade walk by us. Y/n immediately wraps Draco in a hug as Jade and I look everywhere but each other. However, in the corner of my eye, I catch her looking at me briefly before turning away, causing a small smirk to grow on my lips.

"We better go find our seats, Hermione is going to be giving a speech very soon." Y/n smiles as she leads us to a table near the center of the banquet room.

"Good evening, everyone." Hermione smiles from her large podium on the stage at the front of the room. "As the new Minister of Magic, I'd like to say what an honor it is to be standing here in front of you all. This year has been very successful in relations with the other wizarding communities, as well as our progress in growing the Ministry and all it stands for. Tonight, we are lined to recognize those successes and celebrate each other. So if everyone would please raise their glasses..."

Draco smirks at us as we all raise our champagne glasses, the shining liquid dancing around slightly. Hermione Granger had been appointed as Minister of Magic around 8 months ago, a little while after we all graduated, and so far she's responsible with the role.

"Here's to success and good things ahead!" Hermione smiles as the rest of the attendees cheer, the sound of clinking glasses fill the room.

"Cheers, mate." Draco smiles at me before he hits our glasses together, and then I look over to Y/n and do the same. I then turn to Jade, who's eyes are already on me, soft and hesitant, before tapping our glasses together. "Cheers."

We all sit back down after that as Hermione announces some special recognitions. Draco and Jade both get a round of applause for their hard working hours at the Ministry as well as keeping their departments in check.

"Draco and I are going to go the the uh...bathroom." Y/n mumbles as she finishes her second glass of wine, standing up and grabbing Draco's arm clumsily. "We'll be back."

I chuckle seeing them wobble away before looking back over at our almost empty table. I go to set my hand down on the table, but when it does, it accidentally touches the warm skin of Jade's hand. She gasps immediately, pulling her hand away awkwardly before adjusting her posture and sitting up straight in her chair.

"Sorry," I whisper but she just nods in response as she takes another sip of her champagne.

A few minutes pass by of us sitting in silence, looking all over the glamorous banquet room to try to distract ourselves from the tension at the small table.

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