2 - chocolate frogs

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song recommendation: complicated - olivia o'brien

jade lockhart

I sat back in my chair and looked across my desk, seeing the scattered files all over. I had so much work to do today and yet I caught myself thinking over the last yet again.

As much as I hated to admit it, with all my feelings bottled up on the inside, I was left with lots of reflecting. Sometimes it was painful to the point where I couldn't stand it anymore, but today was a better day.

I felt sort of at piece and knowing that I was about to organize the files on my desk helped to relax me in a way.

I worked at the Ministry and was the head of the Department of International Magical Cooperation. I loved this job because it allowed me to travel and check in on the other wizarding schools. I loved seeing new places and when the spot opened up, I grabbed it immediately.

I had an assistant named Lillian who was always very helpful. We had a great relationship unlike some other heads with their assistants.

Draco also worked at the ministry with me as head of the Department of Magical Games and Sports. He wasn't always so lucky with his assistants. The girl would just apply to try to get with him and like he's mentioned many times to them, he's happily unavailable. He's never had a male assistant before, but that's only because no males would apply for the position.

I began to organize the files alphabetically in my drawer, each country lining up to the next.

It's been a month since Luna and Blaise's wedding and I've still heard no word from Ryder. That's okay, though, because the whole situation stresses me out too much. All the emotions that run through my head when I see him overwhelm me and I end up just screwing it up all over again.

I sometimes wonder what would've happened if I wasn't forced to become a death eater back then. Would we still be together?

I remember the heartbreaking expression in his face when he had found out I was becoming a death eater during the game of truth and dare. If Pansy hadn't called me out on it and I had just told him myself, would things be different?

I fell into the same hole that Draco once did with Y/n. I pushed away the light in my life and left myself alone to face the darkness...

ryder thorn

It's been a month since I've seen her.

I originally wasn't supposed to go to the wedding because I was being brought with on a work trip for my company. I was driving to the train station when Blaise owled me himself and told me that Jade was going to be there.

I dropped everything for her.

And I'd do it again a thousand times.

I immediately turned around and made my way to the wedding. I remember when I first saw her there, she was laughing and dancing with Theodore Nott. I always knew he had a little crush on her back at school, and since Jade and I were always just friends, I felt defeated knowing that I couldn't compete against him.

Now, I was back and I still had a chance.

A chance to save us.

After she ran away from me at the wedding, leaving me with Y/n explaining myself, I got a letter from my company.

They fired me.

I should've been upset. Hell, everything in my life was going wrong. I was left with no job and no Jade, but I kept telling myself not to lose hope.

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