Chapter 14: You Sound Desperate

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Percy POV: 

"Oh, come on!" I laughed. "There's no way! You have to have seen it... it's, like, a classic."

She chuckled. "I don't think it's considered a classi-"

"-Oh, it's definitely a classic..." I grinned. "I'm pretty sure most people would agree it's the best film ever made."

She laughed again. I loved watching the way her eyes sparkled when she was happy. I felt myself leaning in closer. "Shut up, you can't say that! There's like, a billion other films that come to mind."

"That's 'cuz you haven't watched it, you don't know what you're missing out on," I straightened up and placed a hand over my heart. "I now make it my personal duty to force you to watch Finding Nemo, the best film ever created, as soon as possible."

"You swear it on the Styx?" She raised an eyebrow. Her lips curled into a smile. 

"I swear it on the Styx," I nodded. And she burst out laughing again. 

Everything about her laugh was perfect. It was, like, my favourite thing to do; to make her laugh. Because she laughed in such an honest, open way that showed how happy she was. And she hesitated before each laugh as well, as if it's come as a surprise to her that she's actually enjoying herself. It makes me think that she hasn't laughed a whole lot in her life. Which is why I felt so happy just watching her laugh. It felt special and private and something only the two of us could share. We felt isolated from the world in these moments - just the two of us - and it felt addictive.

"Come on, I think we should actually get on with a bit more of your homework now," she tried to sound convincing. 

"But we've already finished two homeworks already," I pointed out. "A-and there's only five minutes left, a-and I got a C+ in my algebra this week which means I'm basically a pro mathematician now."

"Don't say that," she grinned. "If that's the case then I won't need to tutor you anymore."

"You're right, I'm shit," I nodded quickly. And she laughed again, shaking her head as she did so.

"Fine, but if we only have five minutes left then I'll be leaving in a bit," she sighed. 

I almost reached out to touch her hand, but I held back. 

"What's the rush? You could stay for dinner if you want? We could watch Finding Nemo... you could meet my Mom, she's dying to see you. And Estelle, you'd love her so much. A-and Paul says you're his favourite student so he'd love to say hi."

Gods, Percy, shut up. You sound so desperate. 

She paused in thought. "That sounds lovely but I need to go to the bookstore at some point."

"You don't work on Tuesdays," I pointed out. 

She gave me a sideways grin. "You know how much I like it there, I practically can't go a day without it."

I sat back in resignation. "I get it."

She smiled at me for a moment. "Fine, I'll stay for snacks. And I'm also kind of desperate to meet your Mom too, she sounds amazing. But I can't stay for dinner and I won't be watching Finding Nemo tonight."

"Because you think it'll be crap or because you're busy?" I joked. 

"Oh, I know it'll be crap-"

"-Hey!" I leaned across the table, grabbed her hand and shoved it away playfully. She giggled and held onto my wrist, and then she didn't let go. I felt myself blushing. 

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