Chapter 10: The Girl At The Bookstore

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- Author's Note: Back again after a very long break. I've been focusing a lot on my other story, The Golden Wand, so check that out if you also like Harry Potter! IMPORTANT - I EDITED THE LAST CHAPTER SLIGHTLY, SO IF YOU DON'T WANT TO REREAD IT JUST KNOW THAT PERCY AND CHARLES GOT OUT OF THEIR DETENTION BECAUSE OF SWIMMING PRACTICE (and they had to do an extra thirty laps). Anyway... enjoy :) - 

Percy POV:

Swimming practice was a breeze; the extra thirty laps were completed in minutes and I wasn't effected by them in the slightest. Part of me felt guilty about leaving the rest of the class in detention, but none of them had seemed bothered and I knew full well that Coach Hedge would have decapitated me if I hadn't shown up to training. 

Feeling energized, I ran from the pool to my local gym, feeling as if I could work out for hours. I turned my music up as loud as I could in my ears and felt the world disappear around me as I focused on my exercises. Something was bugging me; was it the way Rachel had flirted so openly; the argument I had had with Clarisse in class; my guilt for escaping punishment that no one else deserved; or perhaps Annabeth's words were still ringing in my head? Regardless, I put my head down and focused on my workout, only noticing the blonde girl in the Yankees cap before it was too late. 

A streak of golden hair shone out of the corner of my eye. I turned just in time to see her, or who I assumed had to be Annabeth, just as she was leaving the room. Something possessed me - I called out her name. She turned slightly but did not stop, yet I am sure I had seen a flash of grey eyes. It had to be her. 

I thought about chasing after her... but then what? Would I say hi? Would she let me? She made it very clear to me the other night that she had no interest in becoming my friend, and maybe my obsession to say hi to her only stemmed out of my inner need to show her I knew her name despite her assuming I would forget it. It was selfishness then, surely - a way for me to defend my pride. I was being pathetic. 

In a miserable mood, I made my way to the skate park. Grover and pizza worked as great medicine for my temper, and I returned home with a smile on my face. 

"Hey bud, how was training?" Paul asked as I entered the room. Him and my mom had their heads stuck in their books.

"It was good, thanks," I smiled. "You coming to the tournament on Friday?"

"Wouldn't miss it for the world," Paul returned the smile. 

"Are you hungry, honey?" My mom asked. 

"No I'm good, Grover and I had pizza."

"How about you watch a film with us? Estelle wants to watch Monster's Inc."

"I can't, sorry, I've got homework," I sighed. Both Paul and my mom looked up from their books with a look of shock and confusion on their faces. 

"Come again?" Paul asked slowly. 

"I... I said I have homework," I said slowly. Their expressions were making me nervous. 

"Oh, um, okay... and you usually do homework?" My mom asked. 

"Mom!" I groaned. "I'm just trying to do my schoolwork, is that so hard to understand?"

"Oh, no, honey, don't get me wrong!" She said quickly. "No, no, it's lovely that you want to do your work. Have fun! Um... you do you?"

I turned away, embarrassed and self-conscious. As I entered my room I heard Paul whisper "did that tutor of his bribe him or something?". I scowled and sat down at my desk, my foul mood having returned. 

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