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"Your highness, I suggest you let the fifth general take care of the rogue bandits at the North region of the kingdom, he is probably the only one who is capable of taking care of them" a young man said.

"Are you sure about that, I have serious trust issues with that guy" the emperor said looking at the young man before him

"I know, but he is quite capable, you have got to admit it" the man said smiling at the emperor as he calmly played with the hilt of his sword

"Yeah, ok, whatever. If you say so" the emperor said

Before the emperor, stood a man who's hand lay calmly on his swords hilt, his back and shoulders were brood and sturdy, he stood with one leg a bit further from the other, his hair was tied up with a black hairband and it lay on his back as shoulders like a curtain of black.
His face was chiseled like the Greek gods were the ones who sat down to calmly decide on how to make him look. He had small lips, small nose and sword-like eyebrows, his eyes were like that of a phoenix. He had a broad shoulders and his clothes stuck to his body making his muscles stand out, intimidating any one who dared to come up to him. His voice was surprisingly different and calm from the ever expressionless face that screamed death to anyone who looked at it.

The emperor was very scary and hardly could you see a smile on his face just like the man that stood before him. The two men were best of friends and only Xue Feng was able to put a smile on his face.

Xue Feng and the emperor were childhood friends and the emperor had feelings for Xue Feng but after finding out that Xue Feng didn't like him that way he was heartbroken and decided that he would only watch Xue Feng from the side lines and made him his only confidant.

The only one he could turn his back to and be comfortable without any fear.

"Ok, then If you say so"
"So, about your new concubine" the emperor trailed off, his heart feeling a bit sad at the thought of another person with the man he had feelings for ever since he knew what feelings were.

Even though, he knew that Xue Feng didn't really care about all those concubines in his harem, still the thought of another person laying claim to Xue feng really did make him think in the wrong direction that an emperor was not supposed to.

"I don't care" Xue Feng said not bothering to linger any longer on the topic.

He snuck a glance at his friend, and he knew right away what was going on in his mind.
Being in the military all his life and living in the palace xue Feng had to pick up alot of things and reading people was the very first basic skills he learnt and thus it had helped him alot in so many situations, of course the emperor was no different, putting the fact that they were childhood friends, he knew him too well.

"Ok then. I...I will let you leave early to go and see your new one" the emperor said and turned his back to Xue Feng to avoid his emotions being excessively displayed on his face for Xue Feng to see, he couldn't bear it.

"You may leave" he dismissed him

Xue Feng stood and stared at his back, his shoulders were slanting to one side and his left pinky and his thumb were playing with each other a habit Xue Feng knew. He always did that whenever he was sad.
Xue Feng bit his lips, he wanted to say something but thought against it.

Xue Feng bowed and softly left the room.

"I'm sorry, Mu Bai" Xue Feng whispered so low that Mu Bai almost missed it. Back in the room, said man bit his lip real hard that blood dripped out of his mouth. Trying hard not to cry but his eyes and heart wouldnt listen to him, finally losing it, he slid down the wall and let the tears fall freely.

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