Episode 1

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That day started like any other day.
To give some background seventeen-year-old Kodi is in her senior year of high school.
Her best friend Oliver who lives right next to her house gave her a proposition.
His proposition was for her to convert him into believing that God exists. Kodi being the person she is willingly said yes. So yeah you really didn't miss anything. I would forward the tedious details but before that allow me to review a basic summary of her morning.

"Kodi! Get up! You got fifteen minutes!" Levi yelled.
Of course, she slept in from studying all night.

Kodi jolted out of bed in a panic,
"I'm up!"
After brushing her hair and slipping on comfy jeans and a sweatshirt she rushed downstairs.

"Took you long enough. We were close to leaving without you." Jack said.
Both of them are in college so they have to drop her off before leaving. Which means she must always wake up extra early.

"Why do you not have your license again?" Levi held her in a headlock.

"Shut up or else I'll kick you where it really hurts."

"Okay sorry." He backed away in regret.

"Why can't Oliver just drive me to school? He has his own car and everything."

"I've known that guy for thirteen years and I still don't trust him. You know mom and dad would never let you go anywhere where no one can see you two." She knew that Jack was telling the truth.

"It's not fair sometimes."

"Yeah well you've been saying that for the last four years and it's time you swallowed that pill."

She looked at the clock that struck eight.
"I thought we were on a time schedule."

They flinch in synchronization.
"Shoot! You're right. Get in the car!"

Once Kodi was at school they shoved her out of the car and drove off. She couldn't believe those idiots were her brothers.

Oliver caught her off guard after jumping her.
"Kodiiiiii!" She loses her balance and almost trips.

"Geez are you trying to kill me Oli?"

"I mean yeah you say you can't wait to die. I'm just doing an extra step for ya."

"I already have two brothers I don't need a third."

"Oh come on! You're no fun."

"The bell is gonna ring any second. We don't have time to chat."

"Ugh fine. I'll save a seat for you at lunch."


"See ya Kay Kay."
Since they were kids Oliver always called her 'Kay Kay' he could not pronounce her name right so it stuck. She thought of it as embarrassing whenever he said that dreadful nickname.

After class, Kodi felt claustrophobic in the hallway. Usually, Oliver would be walking by her side but something about being alone petrifies her to the bone.

The constant whispers and mumbles of the people around her. It was almost suffocating her every move.
But she had to stand strong.
She would never let them shake her. No matter what.
She reminded herself of what God said, "If the world hates you remember that it hated me first."

"Is that the girl everyone's talking about?"

"Don't bother being her friend she'll just force her religion on you."

"Who wears skirts to school?"

"Incoming Jesus freak."

"She's probably racist."
She told herself "Dont let them win. My God is bigger than lies."

Block them out she was told.
"Kay Kay!" She looked up to see Oliver's smiling face. A sense of relief and comfort flooded her chest.
"I've been looking for you."

He took her arm and led her into the cafeteria.
"You okay?" He whispered with a perplexed face.
Knowing that one person was still on her side was enough for her.

"Thanks for saving me back there." The simple touch of his hand gave her peace.

"It's cool beans."

Even though he's only a year older than me he understands my weaknesses.
They sat down at a small table with their trays of food.

"So what's the deal with cafeteria food? It's literally the worst thing on the planet."

"I know you're just trying to make me feel better but I'm really okay Oli." His sorrowful eyes look down. He holds himself back from saying something he would later regret.

"Some people can be real....jerks sometimes."

"We live in a confusing world and they don't understand how it's wrong to judge others. Nothing we can do but spread the truth."

"How do you do that?"

"Do what?"

"Okay say I'm a random person you don't even know and you're witnessing on the street. How would you approach them?"

"I think the words "Jesus loves you" is the first thing that they expect to hear because it's always drilled into their heads. I would explain it better so that they would listen and hear what I have to say. I would have to be their choice too."

"What if...I wanted to listen?" From that moment on, she stepped onto uncharted territory.


So that's where they left off.
He asked her to testify for him.
Did that really happen she thought? It never came to her mind that Oliver out of all people would be willing to sit and listen.
Even when they were in their early teens he was a huge atheist. She wondered when he started to feel differently.

"Did he finally confess his one-sided love to you?"

"Jack shut up! Anyways who would court a guy that still lives with his parents?"

"Ooo she got you there!" Levi retorted.

"Do you want a death wish?"

That night while she was studying in her room she heard a tap on the window. Not surprisingly it was Oliver.
Their bedrooms were coincidentally built across from each other.

"What are you doing?! This is like the third time this month you've done this! My parents are gonna kill you if they see you up here."

"Guess it's my time to go then. By the way, I just came to tell you that starting tomorrow you can finally get what you've always asked for."

"But did I really ask? Also, you could have just texted me that in the first place!"

"I know. But I wanted to see you."

Nonetheless, he was a lovesick teen who only acted like a child. Her heart skipped a beat once she heard those words.

"Don't stay up too late right Kay Kay?"

"I should be saying that to you now get out of here!"



Her only thoughts that night were filled with him.

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