Episode 5

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"Why does this door not open from the inside?"
Still locked in a closet the two chatted until someone came to get them.
"I'm just as confused as you."
Her body shivered at the touch of the cold floor.
"Do you want my jacket again?" He asked politely.
"I'll be okay thanks for asking."
He moved closer towards her until their shoulders touched. She suddenly felt the warmth of his breath.
"Don't get any ideas. It's just for body heat."
There was a hint of silence between them.
"Can I tell you something?"
"If I'm gonna be completely honest I'm having trouble with progressing in my relationship with God. Crazy right? I've been at this for years and I'm still here struggling. When I see the people around me and how far they are in their walks, I look back at myself where I'm still stuck on the same road. I've always been far behind than the rest. Am I missing something? Is there something I'm doing wrong?
I don't know. I don't. I wish I knew."
He placed a comforting hand on her shaky palm.
"I can't say that I know well enough where you're coming from but I know you're not the only one who's feeling this way. I think everyone progresses at their own pace and I don't think it's worth worrying about. You shouldn't blame yourself for something that you can't control. From everything you've told me up until now you can't work in yourself He does the work in you. You know what I mean?"
She was at a loss for words. She had no idea he could be so understanding about something he had little knowledge of. Yet he knew exactly what to say.
"Thank you, Oli. I really needed that."
He sighed in relief.
A few minutes later Kodi dozed off in a peaceful sleep. Her head bobbed up and down in every direction. Oliver gently laid her head on his shoulder. He was almost in awe of her.
Without any warning, Delta burst through the door causing Kodi to jolt wide awake.
"Who are you?! Where am I?!" They both stared at Kodi. "Dang it, it was just a dream."
Oliver helped her up and the two were finally free from that stupid closet.

"Do you have any idea how long we were in there?!" Oliver raised his voice.
"I'm really sorry guys! I got caught up at practice and they kept us later than usual. But it wasn't all bad right? I mean you gotta admit I'm good at these things." Both were clueless like always.
"I have art class after Phys! What time is it?" Kodi's battery died inside the closet. She frantically looks at the clock.
"Crap! I'm late! I'll see you guys later okay?"
As they watched her run off Delta pulled Oliver to the side. She taunted him by poking at him piece by piece. Her eyebrows curled back as she smirked.
"Did ya make a move yet Romeo?"
"Shut up! Nothing happened!"
"I saw you two cuddled next to each other. Don't act all innocent with me. So spill."
"We just talked and that was it."
"You just talked huh?"
"Why are you so persistent like it's your business?"
"No reason. I'll believe you this time." He scoffed.
"I have things to do so I'll see ya around!"
"If anything juicy comes up tell me about it!"
He rolled his eyes in a brash manner.

Aside from being exhausted and hungry Kodi was happy that she got to talk to Oliver about her issues. But just when things were going right for her she started cramping terribly. She groaned and moaned inside the bathroom.
"Sounds like the beast has awoken." Jack said while reading his book.
Luckily it was Sunday meaning in the afternoon she had no reason to leave the house.
His voice was tense over the line.
"Do you want to go to the movies with me tonight?"
She guessed that something must have happened that put him in a bad mood too.
"Which one?"
"We'll find out once we get there." It was never a tedious moment whenever it involved Oliver.
"I'm down."
Somehow she convinced Jack to take her without him blowing up on her.
Even though she didn't feel like it she still made the effort to wear something casual to walk around the mall. She chose to wear little makeup incase they saw anyone they knew. It kept crossing her mind that it wasn't necessarily a date. At least he never said it was.
By the time she got there, Oliver was waiting for her next to the entrance door.
He was wearing a blue and brown plaid shirt with a black hoodie and oversized pants. Meanwhile, Kodi only wore an oversized jean jacket from her dad and leggings. She looked like a harmless cub.
It made him chuckle at their height difference.
Oliver is about six three while Kodi is five two.
"What are you staring at?"
"I'm looking at you." Her crystal eyes reminded him of the moon surrounded by gleaming stars.
"You're suspiciously being way too bold today."
"But hey I got you to smile. I say that's a win for me."
Her skin flushed red once more.
"Stop doing that!"
"I'm not doing anything."
"Exactly! That's just it."
They bickered while looking for a movie.
"Choose a hand." He held both his hands behind his back. She knew exactly what he was thinking.
"Okay, now you're just begging for a romance."
She felt more uncomfortable at the thought of sitting through a romance without being on a date with a guy.
"No! Anything else but romance." He laughed.
"Why?" She turned away in embarrassment.
"I just don't like love stories. They're always predictable."
"Fine. If you're not gonna give me any preferences I'll choose."
They ended up picking a thriller. He told her they could leave if it was too much but she chose to stay.
"We still have time before the movie starts. Anything you wanna do in the meantime?"
She was eager to find a new book to read on the weekends. "Yeah, I'm going to check out Barnes & Nobles for something." He pulled his hoodie up.
"I'll come with." She was taken by surprise.
"Wow if you don't want me to come just say so."
"I never said that you jerk!"
"It's cool if you don't wanna admit it."
"Fine then don't join me. I never asked in the first place." She started to walk in the opposite direction. Oliver slowly treaded behind her.
Suddenly a striking pain hit her stomach making her wince. Oliver gently tapped her shoulder.
"Hey, are you alright?"
"I'm fine just a little cramp." She tied her hair up and continued to walk as if it didn't bother her.

Almost twenty minutes after she sat down reading her book she saw Oliver in his tranquil state.
He was focused and invested in the book he was reading. Not long after she heard a high pitch voice speaking to him.
"Excuse me can you help me?"
"Hey are you alone kid? Where're your parents?"
"I only have a dad but I lost him."
"Oh ok. Should we go look for him then?" The little girl nodded her head but was cut off when another voice called out to her.
"Hope!" She was guessing he was the father.
"I'm sorry. I turned my back for two seconds. That's my fault." The man quickly picked up the girl.
"No no you're fine. I'm glad she didn't wander off too far. You look like you got your hands full already."
He noticed that the man had another child with him.
"Thank you for looking out for her."
"No problem."
Kodi and Oliver made contact and immediately burst in grins.

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