The day I started liking parties.

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*Cute, little one shot for you guys :3 i'm so sorry for being so inactive these days,  too much stress and stuff. Please feel free to vote or maybe give me your opinion on these? Or if any of you guys have any ideas you think I would be able to write, I have no problem! You can message me anytime and I'll try reply as soon as possible! Thank you! :)*

Niall mentally cursed his best friend Louis for dragging him to this stupid house party. He had only been in the door when a drunk lad spilled half his beer all over Niall's shirt but thankfully it dried and Niall managed to find Lynx in the bathroom so he didn't smell strongly of alcohol. I mean, he is Irish but he has his limits to alcohol and he wouldn't want anyone to make a wrong first impression of him.

Niall scanned the crowed room for Louis but still could not find the cheeky, doncastor guy who he got the ''privilege'' of having as a best mate. Even more people have seemed to arrive and Niall felt his nerves kick in at the crowd. He never liked big crowds and always feared of being crushed to death. He had a slight claustrophobic problem which didn't usually bother Niall since he was never stupid enough to get himself in that situation but oh look, here he is now.

"Hey, you're Niall Horan right?" Niall looked to the right at the voice who actually spoke to him and couldn't believe his eyes. There, in all his glory and mighty stood the Liam Payne. As in the most handsome guy Niall has ever set eyes on and also one of the most popular guys at school thanks to his position as a captain on the football team. Niall was completely in a state of shock and Liam laughed before shaking his hand over Niall's face. "Hello? Anybody there?" Liam said and Niall snapped out of his stare. "Oh sorry, y-yeah I'm Niall...why?" Niall asked in the smallest voice he could because to be honest, Niall was scared deathless of why Liam would talk to him.

Is it some kind of dare? Is he going to humiliate him any moment now? Niall worried, looking at Liam's smiling face. This can't be good, how does Liam Payne even know his name? I mean nobody knew of Niall Horan excluding Louis and maybe Harry Styles, Louis' other friend. "Just wondering, thought I was seeing wrong, didn't really expect to see you here" Liam says, patting Niall on the back. Niall froze by the touch of Liam Payne. Is he in heaven? What did he do to deserve this touch from the god beside him?

Wait, he didn't expect Niall to be here. Was that an insult..? "Louis sort of dragged me here" Niall said, biting his lip at how boring he made himself to be in front of Liam. Liam laughed before sipping his beer. Next thing Niall knew, Liam was right beside his face, his lips hovering his ear and Niall felt himself shake slightly. "You look cute tonight byway" Liam whispered, biting Niall's ear lobe. Niall was now positive he was dead and in heaven. No other option sounded realistic, there is no way on even planet mars that the Liam Payne would call Niall Horan, the loser nerd 'cute'.

But it just happened. Right in front of Niall and everything. "U-uhm thanks, you look hot" Niall replied and cursed himself for calling him hot. It literally just slipped out of his mouth. "I don't think you really want to be here, do you want to head out for a walk or something?" Liam asked, smiling at the nervous cute boy in front of him. Little did Niall know, Liam has always found the boys geeky side adorable. "Yeah, that would be great" Niall said, relieved to get away from the big crowd and drunk people.

Next thing Niall knew, Liam was guiding him through the crowd by his hand. Niall couldn't help but notice the tingles he felt while holding Liam's hand and wondered if Liam felt them too. Liam looked behind him at Niall and simply smiled at him. He has been waiting for this moment a long time. The cold air both hit the boys and Niall felt himself shivering. Liam slowed down for Niall but never pulled his hand away from Niall's. He really like the warmth his hand brought. "You cold?" Liam asked, noticing the goosebumps on Niall's bare arms.

"Just a bit, I'll be fine though" Niall said, smiling at Liam. "Here, I don't want you freezing on me" Liam said, shaking his denim jacket off his shoulders and wrapping it around Niall's shoulders. He smiled when he seen Niall's cheeks heat up and him smile at the ground. "Thanks.." Niall said quietly, not believing Liam had actually gave him his jacket. It was like 10 times bigger than Niall but Liam thought it was the cutest thing ever. He held Niall's hand again and they walked before stopping at a house. Liam let go of Niall's hand and laid down on the grass.

"What are you doing?" Niall laughed, shaking his head at Liam. "I'm lying down, care to join?" Liam asked, patting beside him. "Your just going to lie down in the middle of someones garden?" Niall asked, confused. "It's alright, they wont mind, I'm positive. It's my house" Liam said, laughing at Niall's confused. "Oh" Niall said, feeling his cheeks heat up as he sat down quickly beside Liam and lay back. "Wow" Niall quickly said as he gazed up at the millions of bright, glowing stars.

"Their beautiful aren't they?" Liam asked and all Niall could do was nod as he was too amazed staring at the stars. They truly were a pretty sight as they shined down on the two boys. "I don't think they are the most beautiful thing in the world however, I mean their defiantly second but they can't come close to first place" Liam said, turning sideways towards Niall. Niall turned his head and gave Liam a confused look. "What more can be beautiful than them? Have you seen them?" Niall said, shocked at how Liam doesn't see their beauty.

"You" Liam said, smiling at Niall with adoration in his brown eyes. Niall gave him a confused look before he finally realized what Liam really meant. Liam thought Niall was more beautiful than the stars. Niall felt his cheeks heat up once again as Liam moved closer. "I strongly disagree with you" Niall whispered, breaking eye contact with Liam. Not even a second later, Liam placed his fingers on Niall's chin, forcing Niall to look up at him. Liam stared at Niall's plump, red lips and felt himself move closer. Niall, finally realizing what Liam was about to do, gulped and leaned in slightly. This was going to be his first ever kiss and it would be Liam Payne.

Liam closed the gap between thier lips and moved his against Niall's slowly. Niall copied Liam's actions as he didn't really know what else to do. When both boys pulled away, they smiled at each other. Niall's first kiss didn't go the way he wanted it too, it went better. He had felt everything he knew he should have, the butterflies, the fireworks, the tingles that he had read so many times in romantic books.

                                                    "I always thought you were beautiful Niall"

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