The Story.

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Hello to whoever decides to read this, yes I know it has been a long while. I wish I could say I'm back for good and writing more. In fact, this will be the last thing I write.

Since the last time, I have changed as a person. I just feel that I can no longer be this creative person who can write anything. Anyways, here is a quite triggering one shot and as I said above, the very last piece of work from NiamForever5x. Thank you all.

*Trigger Warning- Rape*

*Nialls P.O.V*

I tap my fingers on my phone, waiting eagerly for a reply from him. While doing so, I notice how sweaty my hands have become and wipe them on myself. "Maybe he forgot the time" I think to myself. I shake my head and decide to ring again, just incase he doesn't know I'm here already. Straight again to voicemail.

Maybe I should just leave. I've already sat here outside the supermarket for 15 minutes by myself. Typical of him though, he used to always be the late one in our relationship. The word "used to" makes my heart break a tiny bit in my chest. But that's why I'm here isn't it. To win him back.

Just as I decide to leave, his white work van pulls up beside me. He rolls down the window and mutters a "get in". I jump in the passenger seat as quick as possible, I will not let anything turn this day from good to bad. On the drive back to his house, the conversation is pretty dry. Just simple how are you and what have you been up too. As I look over at him, my heart begins to race.

Even though he's dressed very down in a jersey and shorts, he still looks amazing in my eyes. Maybe I overdressed I think while I look down at my black jeans and grey fitted top. Typical of me. I'm nowhere near as attractive as Chris is and I've always known this. I've come to terms with being the "ugly" one.

His curls bounce as we cross over a speed bump on the road and I can't help but admire them. We've been through so much together but yet here we are still. I'm just happy he has given me a chance to prove myself again. Even if all he may want from me is my body, I try see past it and believe that deep down, he wants our amazing relationship back and loves me just as much as I still love him.

I look out the window as we drive in his driveway as memories flood my mind. The first time I went to his house,meeting his mother who didn't particularly like me at the start which I still don't know why. The sleepovers. Everything. I'm glad to be back here. The sound of his door slamming brings me back to reality and I follow him out of the van and through his door.

"Want a drink?" He asks as he grabs one for himself from the fridge. "No thanks" I reply, taking everything in as if it were my first time in his house. "Coming?" He asks and points down the hall while walking that direction. I nod while following him closely. I'm barely in the room before he pushes me back onto the bed and his lips attack my neck. He pulls away quickly, pulling his top over his head. I pull him closer to me as I connect my lips to his. It barely lasts a minute though as he pulls away and begins to zip down my trousers.

I lay back, breathless and panting. "Was I that good?" He asks, lying beside me with that smirk. I roll my eyes at him while lightly hitting his arm messing. "Oh so you want to be naughty"he says, still smirking. "I'm not ready for round 2 if that's what your hinting at" I say, my face still hot. I probably look like a tomato right now. " Not what I meant, flip around" he says. I'm about to question him but he takes me by surprise by pulling my waist up and flipping me over to reveal my bare bum.

I laugh nervously while looking over at him. He lightly slaps my bum and I feel a tingle. "So you've been naughty huh?" He asks again, slapping my bum harder than last time. I play along with it and bite my lip. "Oh very bad" I reply and his hand goes down again, bouncing off my bum. Okay that time it actually hurt. "That hurt Chris" I say but he has already quickly slapped my bum even harder than before. I feel a burning sensation on my bum and look down and see the handprint of his entire hand on my bum. As I'm about to speak, he whips his hand down and hits my bum. This time I let out a shout and move away from him but he has already grabbed my hips.

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