The, What Ever They Are, Reunite

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Jin-woo wasn't very thrilled with his new home. Though Tsukauchi at least met his requirements. He was expecting someone to arrive soon, he commanded the soldier he placed in her shadow to take her to him.

Sung was placed in a apartment with two rooms that faced each other down the hall. The kitchen was basic, nothing too fancy. Fridge, oven, microwave, toaster, cooking necessities, and table and chairs. Yes, the dining room is in the kitchen, pretty cramped if you asked him.

Hey! At least they furnished the apartment. In the living room a 36 inch TV is situated on top a TV stand, which is next to the door. A three cushioned couch is sat across from the TV, with a coffee table in between the two objects. Then the hall that is in the middle of the kitchen/dining room and the living room leads to two bedrooms. The walls are yellowish, Sung doesn't know how to feel about that.

Sung traveled to the hall that inevitably led to the two rooms. He stopped at the two doors facing each other, and turned to his right 'cause right is right. The door was a bleak gray, not really matching the yellow of the walls surrounding it. Sung opened the door that revealed a wood floor, twin sized bed in the left corner, bookshelf on the right wall, and a window in between the furniture with gray curtains.

The walls were still yellow.

Disappointed as he was, he left the room in the past and headed to its neighbor. The door was the same as its counterpart. Jin-woo opened the door to find. . . The same set up. Though the two rooms had a distinct difference: the bed and bookshelf were switched.

Time to check out the bathroom, Sung thought. His expectations weren't really high. The bathroom is at the end of the hall, so Sung left the brightly colored room to its peace. He closed the door behind him and walked a few steps till he was facing off with another gray door.

He slowly turned the door handle.

A crack was revealed between the door and the wall, all Sung had to do was swing his arm and the bathroom would appear before him. He did just that. A bathtub was sat across from him, a toilet and sink were situated to his left, and a closet was set across from the previously mentioned objects. A mirror was situated right above the sink, when he opened it he was grateful for the toothbrushes and toothpastes on the shelves. Sung just so happened to not have brought teeth necessities. He let out a sigh of relief when he spotted the deodorant, and the bottles of soap for the body and hair placed on the sides of the bathtub.

After his excavation of the apartment, Sung made his way to the couch in the living room, plopping himself on it exhaling as he did so. The moment was short lived when he heard a light rapping on the front door.

Exhaling in annoyance, Sung got up and made his way to the door. He opened it and all of his annoyance and tiredness disappeared. Standing there in all her glory was Cha Hae-in. They stood there, staring intently in the other's eyes as if asking themselves if the other was real or not. Then, after realization sank in, the two immediately entrapped each other in a tight embrace.



Hae-in was still following the shadow soldier. She didn't know what was taking so long, they went in at the same time so they should be relatively close to each other. The soldier rounded the corner of the alley they were in to the streets ahead.

Cha was hesitant. She didn't know if these people would be frightened or malicious towards two complete strangers, one who isn't even human. Taking a breath in and letting it out, she rounded the corner and immediately got herself on the side of the walls of the buildings next to the sidewalk. Hae-in was going for a stealthy approach, if she could sneak up on Sung then just about no one will notice her.

Plus, the citizens were staring in awe at the soldier who was casually striding down the sidewalk. She continued to follow it a bit of ways away, Cha didn't really want anyone noticing her at the moment.

Y'know what's crazy? None of these people smell. Or at least have that distinct smell that sets them apart from regular humans. So, now Cha could finally smell! For as short as that moment was, it was definitely blissful, but now she smells it. That awful smell of a hunter.

She followed that odor. If there was a hunter near her, then it could only be Sung's friend. She stopped at the crosswalk, awaiting the red light to appear. When it did she strode herself to the other side. The soldier was following her, she was glad about that for once.

The trail trailed into a cafe. She saw him. He was sitting at a booth next to the window with his helmet still on(Sung wouldn't allow the rest of the armor) and a bag full of supplies. When he noticed her, he scrambled off of the booth and practically ran outside.

"Hae-in!" He cried out desperately. He caught her in a hug to which Cha immediately ended.

"Follow me. Sung sent a shadow to take me to him," she said over her shoulder, already walking behind the soldier. Yoo followed her.

The trio winded around streets, alleys, and sidewalks till they finally stopped in front of an apartment building. The soldier passed through the door, opening it from the inside. Cha and Yoo followed the shadow to the stairs, they walked up a few flights, down a hall, and then stopped in front of the door that the shadow disappeared in front of.

Taking a breath in, Cha rapped on the door. A few seconds later the door swung open to reveal her man.

They stood there for what seemed to be forever. Yoo just looked from Sung to Cha and back again. Filled with relief, they snagged each other in a tight embrace.


1,046 words!

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