The End of the Beginning III

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A bright blue light poked at Sung’s eyelids. Meaninglessly to get Sung awake, or so it seemed. O’er what felt like years, the persistent light grasped Sung’s eyelids and forced them open. Sung stared wide-eyed back at the blue ball of light in the consuming darkness. 

“Wake up!” He heard in his head. Sung looked at the light believing it was what spoke. 

“Yes, I was the one who spoke, you dim-witted hunter!” 

Had the blue angry ball had a face, it would tell the reader just how frustrated it was with Sung. 

“Where am I?” Sung looked around the black expanse. He wasn’t standing, he was floating like an astronaut. 

“You’re in a hospital bed.” 

“Oh. Well I don’t see any beds anywhere…” 

“You’re unconscious (1st try les go) you idiot. You are literally talking to it.” 

“Oh. I feel like I’m saying ‘oh’ a lot, am I saying ‘oh’ a lot?” 

Sung’s conscious’s eye twitched. “Listen Sung, you are dying.” Sung’s eyes widened at that, “And you only have a few minutes before your heart stops.” 

“Wh-. How do I-” 

The ball cut him off before he could speak any further, “Going to an alternate universe has weakened you, so much so that you can’t recover.” 

“Am I...home?” 

“Yes. After you defeated the boss of that gate, you and your friends were transported back to your family’s apartment. Then Cha and Yoo took you to the hospital with your sister and mother accompanying them.” 

“So, there is nothing that I can do?”

“You are my vessel, so when I say that you will not survive, I mean it.” 

A couple hours later, the only sound was a tear falling from his mother’s cheek: The beloved hero had fallen. 

A/N So this was 293 words and I've finally finished my first book. Tell me how it was! Leave a vote if you liked it! Any story suggestions: shoot me! Have a great day y'all!

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⏰ Last updated: May 27, 2021 ⏰

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