Beginning of the End(Re-Edited)

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A/N Now that I've published a few chapters for my other work, I'll continue this story until it's finished. Which will be just about the next two chapters, or maybe one more. Depends on how many words I put into them. Thanks for your patience!

"Sung!" Cha Hae-in cried out desperately. Reaching out towards her lover, but she was just too exhausted to get off the concrete that made up the roads of Musutafu.

Sung wasn't far away. The flaming towers of buildings, heroes running about, shadows finishing off the beasts, made a perfect picture frame of Sung's figure. He was looking down at his hands, hands that were quickly flaking away.

What is happening to me? He asked himself. Perhaps. . . This is the end of the long road. He smiled to himself, thinking of the scolding he would have gotten from his sister if he had returned home.

His arms had disappeared. Legs as well.

He looked back at his Cha. Crying and reaching out to him desperately, sword forgotten. He noticed that she as well, was flaking away. Her legs were almost gone.

Maybe. . .

Before Sung's head disappeared, he mouthed his last words,

'See you on the other side, my love. . .'

The strangers were no more.



Groaning, Sung lifted himself off the hard wooden floor of his apartment.

What a dream, he thought.

"Mhmm," Cha stirred under her silky sheets. "Sung. . ."

"Yeah, I'm here." 

Cha lifted her head off the very soft pillow to stare at Sung. Who was on the floor. Somehow. "Why are you on the floor?" Cha mumbled.

"Bad dream," Sung answered simply.

Cha nodded and plopped her head back into the pillow.

Sung stood up, stretched, and walked to the other side of the room. Which was where his clothes resided.

After getting dressed, he walked out to the kitchen. The gray, bleak walls, staring him down. Yoo was sat at the table in the kitchen, helping himself to a bowl of cereal.

"Have a nice night?"

Sung stared at his friend. "Yep."

"Did you guys even sleep?" Yoo asked again.

Sung turned to the pantry, his back facing Yoo. "Of course we did."

"Sure didn't sound like it," Yoo mumbled.

Sung shook his head, chuckling, as he retrieved the milk that was going to drown his cereal.


"That would be Cha." Sung said matter of fact-ly. He was proven correct when Cha stumbled into the kitchen, dressed in a white t-shirt and blue jeans. She limped herself over to the kitchen counter, giving a feather like kiss on Sung's cheek. 

"Hello boys," she greeted tiredly, plopping herself at the table next to Yoo. Sung quickly whipped up another bowl of cereal and slid it across the table, right in front of Cha. She looked up, surprised by the flying cereal bowl. She chuckled and said her thanks.

Sung nodded in response. "Don't mention it."

After a couple minutes of enjoyable silence, knocking sounded on the front door, signaling the trio to a visitor. Hopefully.

"I'll get it," said Sung. He strode to the door, unlocking it before opening it to, surprisingly, an old and frail man. His yellow hair stuck out in multiple directions, noticably the two longer strands of hair that were hanging in his face. The man's check bones were high and his blue eyes are hollow. He was slouching, so he probably was taller than Sung if he somehow straightened his back.

"Uhhhh, can I help you?" Sung asked uncertainly. He didn't know what to do if this apartment just so happened to be someone else's.

"My name is Toshinori Yagi. I believe we've met?" The man introduced himself.

"I think you've got the wrong person." Sung was about to close the doors until the man exploded, getting a lot bulkier and a little taller. The tattered coat was forgotten as the bulky man used his main phrase, "I AM HERE!"

Sung nodded in affirmation and disbelief. "Yeah, I believe we've met."

"May I come in?"

"Yes you may." Sung opened the door as wide as he could, allowing Yagi's hulking form to pass through.

"Sung?" Sung looked back at Cha, who had turned around in her seat. "Who is this man?"

"Oh, well this is Toshinori Yagi, or All Might."

Cha nodded in understanding. She turned around in her chair, proceeding to eat her meal again.

As Yoo struggled to hide his fear and nervousness of the very tall and muscled man, Sung led Yagi to the living room, letting him sit on the two cushioned couch. A noticeable creeeaaak resounded in the apartment. Sung ignored this as he sat in the comfortable recliner next to the couch. "So, is there a reason why you came, Toshinori?"

"You probably don't know this, Sung, but a rift-" Before Yagi could continue, Sung interrupted him.

"How long has it been opened?"

"Erm, about. . . Six days?"

Sung stared at Yagi quizzically. "You don't know how long it's been open, do you?"

"Six to seven days, just about."

"Where is it?" Cha questioned. The sooner they knew where the gate was, the sooner Sung could get them to its location.

Yagi exhaled, preparing to relive memories long forgotten. "It's in an abandoned city. Ten miles away from Musutafu."

"Elaborate," Cha pressed.

"I will accompany you." Yagi determined. If All For One is recovering there, he had to know. Though, this rift, whatever that thing is, is probably because of him.

A/N So, as I've said, I'll be working on this until it's finished. Which will be like, two more chapters. My ELA teacher has been helping me find and work with other writing techniques, and it has been a learning experience, very fun though. I plan on using those techniques for my next chapters and I'll probably edit this book.

-MrDeathWeapon is out 

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