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On Saturday afternoon Ricky announced to Big Red his decision.

"I don't like Nini anymore. I don't. Not a single bit. I know I've been saying it for a while, but this time, I really mean it."

The two were seated on bean bags in Big Red's basement playing video games. Big Red paused the game, put down his controller, and slid off his headset. "Really, dude?"

"What?" Ricky asked innocently pulling off his headset as well.

"I knew it, this is because of Alexis. You're just like Romeo."


".... Shakespeare."

Ricky looked at his friend funnily. "What are you talking about?"

Big Red rolled his eyes. "Romeo Montague. He was in love with Rosaline, and they broke up, and he was all whiny about it. But then the minute he saw Juliet, he forgot all about that other chick. Like you. Nini's your Rosaline, and Alexis is your Juliet."

"How do you know so much about Shakespeare? Well, listen. I liked Nini, and I still get butterflies when I see her, or whatever, but it's nothing compared to how I feel around Alexis."

Big Red shook his head. "You're making this too complicated. Here, I'll give you the pros and cons of each girl. Alexis, pros; very hot, and skates, which is also hot. Nini, pros; also hot, and she's got bigger boobs than Alexis."

"Woah!" Said Ricky. "I'm gonna stop you right there."

Big Red rolled his eyes. "It's true! Don't act like you haven't thought about it."

"I haven't!" Ricky defended.

"Yeah," Said Big Red. "Sure."

Ricky rolled his eyes. "Just shut up. My mind's already been made up. I like Alexis. And it's a shame she doesn't like me back."

"Dude? She went to Homecoming with you. She wouldn't do that if she didn't like you."

"Yeah, well she also told me I should ask Nini. And when I asked her to go with me, she said, 'oh like as friends?'". 

"Oh. That sucks, man. Whenever Romeo first spoke to Juliet, she didn't mention Rosaline. Instead they just sucked each other's faces off and got married 12 hours later."

Ricky frowned.


The next day, Sunday, Ricky woke up to the doorbell ringing. He sighed as he got out of bed, wondering who it could be at 10am on a Sunday morning.

He trudged down the stairs, his hair messy and wearing a pair of old ratty sweatpants and a hoodie.

He pulled open the door, and there stood Alexis. She wore a pair of blue jeans and a gray Nike sweatshirt, her long brown hair in a messy high ponytail. The wind whooshed around her and turned her face pink. In her hands were two big reusable grocery bags which she was struggling to carry.

"Hi!" She said brightly.

"Hey... what are you doing here?" Ricky replied in confusion.

"I'll show you. Could you take one of these...?"

He quickly grabbed a bag from her and they walked inside to the kitchen where they placed the bags on the counter. Ricky tried to hide his embarrassment over the fact that as they walked in they had to step over old beer bottles and clothes and food wrappers that littered the messy floor.

Alexis didn't think anything of it, and if she did it didn't show. "Well, look inside."

Ricky opened up the bags and inside were Tupperware with freshly made breakfast items; waffles, eggs, bacon, a carton of orange juice, syrup...

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