Germans Ears

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Germany woke up feeling something warm around him. He slowly opened his eyes and understend where strange warm came from. Russia was hugging him, tightly. Germany panicked, and slowly tried to get out of Russias hug.

He did it and didnt even woke him up. ,Succes!' he throught to himself. Germany quietly went out of bedroom and went to the kitchen. He opened fridge, and wondered what to eat for breakfast. After a while he decided for eggs with becon. He took a pan and turn on fire on cooker. When becon was already done he heard doors opened.

Vampire looked at him with sleepy eyes, and smiled. He came closer and closer while Germany was wondering the fuck he want to do. Russia hugged him, and Germany was very confused.
,,Could you stop? Its weird" asked Germany. Russia only smiled and said in a reply. ,,Last night it didnt seem to bother you." Russia wispered.

,,Just let me finish breakfast" said Germnay trying to avoid eye contact. Werewolf felt his face is little warmer than normaly. He didnt think about it much, just finished making breakfast.
He sat at the table, with his breakfast. Russia looked at him suprized looking for his own breakfast. ,,You didnt make me breakfast?" he asked.

,,No. Why should i? Im not your maid" said Germany and continiued eating breakfast.
,,Actualy, officialy you are my maid. My Personal Maid." said Russia with big smile on his face. He totally forgot about that, and Germany accidently reminded him. Germany looked at him, begging inside so he was joking.

,,Im not gonna make you clean or anything, dont worry. Now you have two options, sharing your breakfast with me, or make yourself new one." Russia smiled, and Germany looked at him weirdly.

He placed plate between them, and started eating. Russia smiled and ate as well. When they finished, Russia stared at Germnay. Werewolf felt weird but he tried to ignore it. He took a book tituled Maze Runner

Autor Note: This book is real, there is also a film about it, its one of my favourites movies

Germany couldnt focuse on book, feeling that Russia is still staring. Germany sighted and looked into other male eyes.
,,Yes?" he asked. Russia smiled and pointed at his shoulder. Germany looked at his shoulder like Russia showed him to. There was a big spider. Really BIG spider.

,,Scheiße!" he screamed and jumped tring to make spider gone. Russia was dieing from laught, while Germany was fighting for his life. Spider landed on floor and Germany killed it with book. He looked all red on fase from anger and embarras on vampire.

Russia was laing on the floor laughting and crying from laught. Germany sat again on sofa and tried to read. Russian stand up and sat next to him. He put his hand in Germans hair and started plaing with it. Germany tried to read but thing what was Russian doing was not helping.
Russia looked at him dissapinted. Germany looked at him, wondering why is he like that.
,,What?" Werewolf asked.

,,Last time when i played with your hair you purred." he said and on Germanys cheaks appeared small blush.
,,No i dont prrr!" protested Germany and started reading again. Russia put his both hands into Germans hair, and played with it. Germany couldnt focused on book now at all.
He tried his best not to purrr, Russia seeing it, played even more. Germany couldnt hold it anymore.

,,Prrrrrrrrrrrrrr" he purred in pleasure. Russia blushed hard afther hearing it. Germany cuddled into Russia kinda like a cat. ,,Dont stop" Germany asked. Russia didnt want to stop, Germans purring was his new favourite sound. Russia touched Germans ears and played with them as well. Germany now was purring less, but his face was all red from blush. Germany took Russias hands away from his ears, and hide his face behind book.
,,Whats wrong?" asked Russia smiling. ,,I dont prr? Sureeee. But seriously whats wrong? Did i hurt you or something?" asked Russia kinda scared he might have done something to werewolf.
,,No, its just... did anyone ever massage you?" Germany asked
,,Yes, why?"
,,Thats kinda what i feel when you touch my ears..." Germany explained, being still embarrased. Russia smiled knowing that he didnt hurt him. ,,Your ears are very fluffy, just like your hair" complimanted Russia. ,,Thanks?" replyed Germany not being sure what to say.
Germany put book down and put his hands on Russian back. He started massaging him, and he could feel like Russia relaxed. Russia just closed his eyes and enjoyed moment. When Germany stopped he turned around and hugged him.
,,Thank you..." wispered Russia into Germans ear. Germany flinchet and blushed, but hugged Russian back. Russia was still tired and when he felt other male warm me suddenly felt sleepy again and fall asleep laing on top of German.
Germany didnt know what to do, since he was trapped.

After hours being trapped under Russian, Germany couldnt stand it anymore, and needed to wake Russian up. He shaked him a little, and Russia opened his eyes. When he was in what position they both are he couldnt help smile.

,,Get off of me. I need to go to toilet." Germany said, and Russia let shorter male stand up. After Germany left room Russia started seriously thinking about how to make German man love him. He fell for him so easly, while German didnt even seem interested in Russian.

Russia sighted quietly. Of course Germany wouldnt love him. He see Russian as a villain, someone who took him away from home and laught from him.

But Russia was the only one who throught like that.

True was that Germany hadnt ever been in love, so this was new for him. He didnt uderstend ehy his heard beat so fast around Russia or why his face is warmer then....



SO! Mistakes as always! I think its the last thing i wrote this week. If you waiting for next part, it will probably appear next week.

See you!

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