Im Russia

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Germany slowly opened his eyes. He was still tired, so he wasnt thinking straight. He stand up, yawn, and look around. He felt somethings wrong. Then he got it. In his memories he had a room where he met Soviet, and his dad. Rest was kinda blurry.

He was not in the room France showed him, and told him it was his. He looked around, then he saw a maid dress he was in before he got here. He looked at himself. He was wearing yellow shirt, and boxers only. ,Who the fuck changed me?,.

He heard noise from other room. He quietly went closer to the door between room where he was and the room from where strange noise come from. He looked through a small space that were between doors and doorframe. (door werent closed)

He saw a male, he looked like he was Germany age. The room where he was was kitchen. He was baking something, and when he looked a little up he reconised werewolf.

,,You finally up. You slept like 5 hours for now." vampire said. His voice was soft, and Germany could hear joy in his voice.

,,Who are you?" asked Germany, after he asked, he relized that vampire was shirtless. Germany did his best not to look at his chest but it was very hard since the other male had well build body. Germany felt his cheak get warmer, and he was angry at himself for that.

,,Im Russia. You probably met my father, Soviet Union." he said, and Germany forced his eyes to look into Russians face, and not his chest. ,,Ja, I met him, and piss him off as well." Germany said, looking what Russia was baking.

,,I know, you did something to Reich, he said your someone important for his ,,Kitty". If he wasnt pissed you wouldnt probably be here." said Russia mixing eggs wih flour. ,,Why?" asked Germany suprized. ,,I mean my father begged Soviet not to sent me to yo-" Germany continiued but Russia cut him.

,,Father!?! You wanna say Reich is your Father!?!? Hahahahahaaaa" Russian started laughting like he hard the funniest joke ever.

,,Hey, why are you laughting!?! What did i said?" Germany got a little confused, why was that vampire laughting? He couldnt understend it.

,,Now i understend why he send you to ME. Your father begged so much becouse he know me, and he know what im doing to werewolfs!" Russia laughted again. Germany had bad feeling.

,,I usually just kill werewolfs but there are two things that are stopping me this time." Russia continiued, this time seriously and getting closer to Germany. Germany were going back, so vampire werent that close, but Russia keep going.

Suddenly he felt wall behind him. Russia came very close, pressing German to the wall, his lips were anly few minimetters from werewolfs ear.

,,First, dad told me not to kill you, and second, your seem interesting" he wispered, and Germany flinched. He felt vampires warm breath on his skin. Suddenly Russia step back, leaving werewolf alone under wall.

,,You should see yourself in a mirror, i had never seen anyone so red." Russia laughed and Germany got angry. That fucking vampire was playing with him.He went to the room he woke up in and closed doors behind him with loud slam.

Russia heard it and smirked. Having this werewolf for his own will be very interesting. He seem easy to make him angry, but for Russia it was cute.

,God, he makes me even more gay' he throught to himself and gigled quietly.

He knew that soon Germany should get hungry. He had made food for lunch elier, now he was baking desser. He was baking chocolate cake, with liquid chocolate inside. He loved chocolate, very much but there was one more thing why he made chocolate cake and not any other flavour.

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